Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Twenty four months three weeks

Hello world!

My best words this week are "car," "bus," and "up." When I see a car or bus driving, I tell my mama. And when I want to be picked up, I hold out my arms and say "up!"

When I wake up I don't always like to get up right away. Sometimes I like to lay in bed singing and talking. If my mama tries to get me up I tell her "no" and roll away.

I have sunglasses and I wear them for a little bit when I'm in my stroller. My mama and I go to the library, children's centre, and post office with my stroller but I usually walk other places. I like both walking and riding.

I know how to dig dirt with my digger and dump truck. I have my own special place for digging next to the patio. It's so much fun! I have to wash my hands and face when I'm done; that's not so much fun.



Thursday, March 22, 2012

Twenty four months two weeks

Hello world!

My best words this week are "bumble bee" and "puddle." I say "bubble bee" and "pubble."

I love to find ladybirds. I call them "babybugs." When I find one, I kneel down so I can look at it but not touch it--just watch it.

I helped my dad build a little house. It's outside. I put in some screws and I also hammered. Nothing lives in it yet, and the door is too small for me to get in. I can open the door, though.

I go on a walk in the morning with my mama and dog. I like to look for frogs, fish, bugs, and ducks. I also find leaves, trees, flowers, puddles, and dog poo. Once I saw our dog peeing and I went up to her and shouted "wee-wee!"

I ran over the daffodils with my pushcart; then my mama told me it made them ouchy so I stopped running them over and kissed them better instead.



Thursday, March 15, 2012

Twenty four months one week

Hello world!

I had a birthday and now I'm 2. I don't feel any different, I think. My nana and grandad came to see me. They sang "Happy Birthday Dear Franklin" and there were some candles to blow. I ate some cupcake. Then I had a sleep and when I woke up I got to open presents. It's so fun to rip the paper! My mama and dad got me a bell for my push cart. I ring it and then push off.

My best words this week are "please" "wee-wee" and "raisin." I got to see the recycling truck come down our street. My mama took me to the front of our house and held me up so I could watch the men get the bins and tip them into the truck. It was so cool! I said "beep beep" when it backed down our street then I said "bang!" when the recycling went into it. When it drove away I said "vrrmmm" and when it was gone I said "bye bye."

Now it's not so cold outside I want to play in the back every day; I can even open the door if it's not locked. I have to put my jacket on first, though. My dad let me have a paint roller with a long handle. I mow the lawn with it. I'm not supposed to step on the flowers; my mama says "off!" When I step on them and she isn't watching I say "off!"



Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Twenty three months five weeks

Hello world!

My best words this week are "house," "baby," and "potato." I see babies in buggies and I say "baby!" They're little and cute; I like them.

I do things my way; I don't want help unless I ask for it! My dad tries to help me sometimes and I tell him "no!" My mama already learned that; she gives me things I can do myself, like socks and shoes, or spoons and forks.

My best cupboard to play in has the blender and juicer and things. I pull out all the pieces and bang them around. I leave the doors open and the pieces on the floor. My mama says I have to put them away but it's a lot more fun to get them out. I need her to help me put them back.

I like to ride in the shopping cart at the store. There's lots to see there and my mama and dad talk about all the stuff there.

I don't like strange toilets. I just like my own potty. I don't want to pee in a strange toilet; I almost fell in one once, and now I don't like them.



Thursday, March 1, 2012

Twenty three months four weeks

Hello world!

My best words this week are "water" and "juice" and "more." When I finish my juice in the morning I ask for more, but my mama always gives me water instead. Good thing I like water too.

After our walk I call the dog back so she can go on her leash. I clap my hands, pat my leg, and shout "DOGDOGDOG!" and then she comes. My mama does it too. After the dog is on the leash, I stroke her head gently.

When I play with the dog I chase her around. Sometimes I bump into her on purpose; I'm not supposed to kick or step on her tail though, and I'm not allowed to touch her dog food. But that's ok because I got the cereal out and fed it to her piece by piece.

I found a ladybug all by myself. It was sleeping on a leaf, then it woke up and flew away. I kept checking the leaf to see if it came back yet.

