Monday, December 17, 2012

Thirty three months two weeks

Hello world!

In the morning when I get up, I go to my mummy's room and hop into her bed and tell her, "hugs."  We have a snuggle for a little while, and then we get up.  I get my clothes from my dresser and we both get dressed, then I say, "downstairs, breakfast eggs!"  I eat eggs almost every morning.  Sometimes I ask for "two yolks" but mostly I eat them like an omelette.  I also love bacon and sausages but I don't eat them every day.

I'm really good at having my photo taken.  I like it a lot.  My mummy says, let me take your picture right here, and so I hold still and look at the camera.  When she goes behind me, I turn around so she can see me.  I also find things for her to take pictures of, like books and cars. 

I have a little cough and snot, but it's not too bad.  I keep a hanky in my pocket so I can blow my own nose.  Except I don't really blow, just sort of sniff and wipe. 

We have a Christmas tree with lights.  I get to turn on the lights.  I'm very careful.  We went for a drive when it was dark and saw lots of lights.  I yelled, "Christmas lights!  Loads of Christmas lights!"  I got a Christmas card from my neighbour Eileen.  I told my mummy it had a "snowman, Christmas tree, star, Christmas man."  My mummy said his name is Santa, so now I say, "Christmas man Santa."  



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