Thursday, April 26, 2012

Twenty five months three weeks

Hello world!

My best words this week are "olive," "truck," "star," and "jacket."

I set the table at dinner time.  I put forks and knives and spoons on the table for everyone.  I also like to clear the table;  I can reach the sink so I can put my own fork and plate in it.  I sometimes find my dad's mug and put that in the sink.  It goes crash!

A couple of times I woke up in the morning and shouted that I needed to pee, and my mama got me up so I didn't even wet my bed.  This morning I climbed to the top rail of my bed and my mama caught me before I rolled off.  It was really fun to climb up there. 

I have a book from the library about "twinkle twinkle."  My mama and dad started singing the song so I ran and got the book out of the library bag.



Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Twenty five months two weeks

Hello world!

My best words this week are "tree," "clock," "black," and "pocket."

This week it's rained a lot and I get to play inside. I played with the salt shaker and shook out all the salt and drew pretty patterns in it. Then I played in my dad's guitar bag and knotted up all the cables together. I also played in the kitchen cupboards and took all the lids off the sauces. It's a lot of fun to play indoors!

I tried on a new pair of jammies and I took them off so I was nakey. Then I told my mama I needed to pee; she told me to get the potty so I went into the bathroom and sat down on it. I sat down all by myself and did a poo. I didn't need any help--except to wipe. I also almost always remember to hold it when I wake up from my nap. Most days I wear the same undies all day without getting wet.

I really like giving kisses and hugs to my mama and daddy. I kiss and hug my toys too.

I got a chocolate gorilla. I get to eat a piece every day. I also have a stuffed gorilla named Ernie. I pretended Ernie was made of chocolate and I pretended to eat a piece of him. No one showed me how; I made it up by myself.



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Twenty five months one week

Hello world!

My best words this week are "worm," "honey," "bin," and "fork." I also say my own name really well: "FFFFFFFangin."

My dad made dinner one night and he did the best carrots ever. I ate all mine, most of my dad's and even some of my mama's. I liked the carrots even better than the potatoes and meat. Usually I like the meat the best, then the potatoes, and then the carrots last.

I'm not supposed to eat snacks before dinner because then I'm picky. When I don't have snacks first, I eat everything on my plate. Sometimes I ask my mama for a cracker but she says I have to wait till after I eat dinner. Before I eat, I get to have my cool bib on. I have one called Rainbow and one called Smiley. I like Smiley best but Rainbow's really good too.

I went to the garden centre and there was a steam museum too. I saw lots of machines going back and forth and round and round, saying "pffff." I like machines, especially noisy machines. I also like garden centres because there's lots of things to see and places to walk around. I even saw some big fish swimming there.

I love to help my mama garden. I especially like the digging. I need my own shovel so I can dig too. Otherwise I use my mama's when she puts it down; it's taller than me but that doesn't stop me!



Thursday, April 5, 2012

Twenty four months four weeks

Hello world!

My best words this week are "broom," "balloon," and "blocks." I like to play with all of them.

I went to the library for story time with my mama and I made an Easter card too. I glued lots of paper together; it looks great. I even drew a message on the inside. After story time and glueing time, we did singing time. We sang "The Grand Old Duke of York" and marched all around the library.

I know even more animal noises now. I know all kinds of farm animals, but I sometimes mix up "neigh" and "baa." Our neighbour has a car with a lion on it but I think it looks like a dog. I always tell my mama "woof woof!" when I see it. She says it's a lion so then I say "rawr!"

I sat on the potty and had to pee so bad it just shot over the top onto the floor! Luckily I know what to do; I got a cloth and wiped it up. I put the cloth back but then my mama said to put it in the basket, so I did. Sometimes I need my mama to help me aim so that doesn't happen, but I had to pee so bad I couldn't wait to aim.

