Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thirty-three weeks five days

Hello world!

This is me climbing up my mama. I can totally walk by myself now! All I need is a me-sized piece of furniture, like the coffee table or couch. When we play downstairs, I like to zoom over to the coffee table and pull myself up. Then I walk along, holding it. It's so much fun!

Sometimes I fall and bump my head though. That's not fun. It's not fun at all. One time I did it and my mama laughed! I got so upset, so she gave me something to eat. Then she laughed again while I was eating, and I got upset again.

Me and mama walked to the library, and on the way back we saw some kids playing football (mama says it's also called soccer--weird name). It was so cool! I leaned forward in my stroller to watch them kicking the ball to each other. I want to do that.



Monday, October 25, 2010

Thirty-two weeks six days

Hello world!

The vacuum is pretty neat. It makes a dinosaur noise, just like me. I follow it around when it growls. The doggy does too.

I mostly have my new tooth. I think there's another one right next to it, but they're both kind of small. I was really upset when they were still in my gums, but now it's no big deal. I still need to chew lots, though.

I get to sit in my high chair and eat lunch and dinner. For lunch I get a piece of fruit or bread or something. I pick it up and eat it by myself and when I'm done I give it to the dog. For dinner, I use a spoon. My mama or dad loads it up.

Last week I woke up in the middle of the night because something was wrong. So I got to eat and get changed, and then I realized what it was: my snappi on my cloth undies was pinching me. I kept yelling: "I'm being pinched! No I don't want to eat! Stop cuddling me! Pick me back up and get this thing off!" I yelled for two hours before my parents understood what I was saying. Next time they should listen better.



Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thirty-one weeks five days

Hello world!

I have a special sleeping bag for bedtime and it means I don't wake up cold in the middle of the night. I used to wake up without any covers on, even though I had them on when I went to sleep.

My daddy is getting good at putting me to sleep. At night, I have my dinner (I like to eat meat and vegetables), then me and mama and dad make music, and then it's bathtime. Sometimes I have a bath with my mama, and I have a nice long milky drink in there. Then dad gets me in my jammies and in bed. Otherwise I have my drink afterwards and go to bed. I usually wake up at 5.30 in the morning for breakfast, and then I go back to sleep till about 7.30 for second breakfast.

I think I might have a tooth almost through. I have this hard spot on my bottom gum, and I need to chew a lot. Good things to chew: fingers, toes, socks, toys, spoon, books, bed, mama.



Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thirty weeks five days

Hello world!

Me and my dad went to town together yesterday because my mama hurt her back and couldn't move. So she stayed home. It's fun to hang out with just dad. But hanging out with mama and daddy is the best. Today we all played together on the bed. I like that.

I want to stand and walk by myself. I keep trying to stand all by myself, and if my mama is there, she has to help me stand. I grab her fingers and pull up. Otherwise I try to stand using the dresser or sofa or bed. If she's on the floor, I don't need mama's fingers to stand up. I can climb up her without them, holding her clothes.

I don't eat baby food for dinner now. I eat the same thing as everyone else. I have a special machine that makes dinner my size; my dad puts some dinner in it, it goes vvvvvrrrrrrr, and then it's ready. I eat things like lamb and rice and vegetables, or ham and potatoes and vegetables. Sometimes I eat a piece of fruit for lunch, like kiwi or apple. I used to like banana, but when I puked really bad a litte while ago, banana is what I puked. I will have to try and see if I still like it.

My parents use some signs to me; I'm not sure about all of them, but I definitely know what the wee-wee sign is. When my mama changes my bum and I'm naked, she says, do you want to wee-wee on the potty, and uses the sign. If I want to, I laugh and wiggle, and she puts me on the potty. Then I pee; twice I even pooed--it's way nicer to poo in the potty than in my clothes. Afterwards, we go flush it; I like to watch the flush.

One of my favorite noises to make is a dinosaur noise. I walk and go rrraaarrrrr and mama says I look like I'm going to destroy Tokyo.



Monday, October 4, 2010

Twenty-nine weeks six days

Hello world!

I have a really cool mat to play on in my bedroom. I crawl around and play with my toys on it. I also sleep in my bedroom now. I moved in there last week because of my yucky cold. My mama put a wet towel on the radiator to help me breathe at night, but she couldn't do it in the old bedroom. I kind of miss sleeping right next to my mama, but I like my own room a lot. But if I get too lonely, I can go back in with my parents.

My mama left me with my daddy all day for two days in a row. I really missed her the first day; I couldn't sleep at all! Me and dad were waiting at the window for mama to come home. But the second day my dad got me to sleep--he was really good.

I played at baby group today and there were two babies a little younger than me who had long hair--I really wanted to touch it, but every time I got close enough, my mama picked me up for a snuggle. My hair is getting a bit longer now. It's blond so it's hard to tell. I still have a couple long wisps on top from before it all fell out.

I'm getting really good at using the potty. Most times I have a pee in it when my mama puts me on it. Last week I did my first poo in it; mama got really excited, but it was no big deal. I poo all the time.

