Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thirty two months three weeks

Hello world!

I call broccoli "green trees," and cauliflower is "white trees."   I know their real names too.  Sometimes I like to play a game with my dad, naming things.  I say, "count again!" and then we name things like "table," "tablecloth," "placemat," and "cup."  This week I learned how to say the "Sp" sound;  I said "spoon," not "soon."

My dad stayed home instead of going to work.  I get to spend all day with him when he's home.  He gets up with me in the morning, helps me get dressed and eat, and we hang out.  When my dad says, "mummy does it for you," I say, "daddy helps!"  And then he helps me with my coat or the carseat.  My mama only helps me if my dad's not there.

I ran in laughing to my mama, and told her "doggy funny mouth!"  Our dog's lip was curled up and her tooth poked out.  It was hilarious!

I got to eat turkey and pumpkin pie with lots of cream.  Mostly I just ate the cream.



Friday, November 16, 2012

Thirty two months two weeks

Hello world!

My dad fixed his computer and then turned it on.  I was so excited, I danced around yelling, "blue light on!  Hooray!"  I told my mama that fireworks were "noisy stars in sky."  I watched them out the window.  I also worked out about numbers;  after nine comes ten and eleven, so after nineteen comes tenteen and eleventeen.  Something else I really like is the jingle on the radio;  I sing along: "BBC Radio Two."

I talked to my gramma on the computer again and I read her two books.  I read about daddy bears, baby bears, ducks, trees, swings, and bed.  My gramma really liked my stories.  I also ran downstairs and brought up as many toys as I could carry to show her.  I carried five toys upstairs all at once. 

I think my favourite foods are carrots, cheese, grapes, and olives.  When it's dinner time I always eat the meat first, then the vegetables.  I really like vegetables from the garden;  there's still a couple beans and peas in the garden to eat, but I ate all the carrots.  We need to grow more so I can pull them up and eat them.  And I ate all the apples my mama picked for me.  She made some into juice too, and I drank it. 

My dad has a special purple pen.  It never washes off.  I drew on the bed with it.



Friday, November 9, 2012

Thirty two months one week

Hello world!

My best words this week are "pumpkin," "trouble," "scarf," and "sick."

I helped my mama carve a pumpkin.  We made a scary man with a candle in it.  I called it "man pumpkin squash."  Then my dad cooked it into soup and I ate it all. 

I told my dad today, "mummy make socks toes.  Thank you mummy!"  My stripey woolly socks have brand new toes.  I also said to my mama, "man make letters.  Good job man!"  when I picked up the mail from the slot. 

When it's time to do something, I tell my mama.  She says, what do we do next? and then I say, "get dressed!" or "sleepytime nap!"  Sometimes I don't want to say it, though, and I lay on the floor and say, "meh."



Friday, November 2, 2012

Thirty one months four weeks

Hello world!

My best words this week are "magnet," "gloves," "kitchen," and "tuna."  Sometimes I say my words backwards, like "cayron" and "bicsit" instead of crayon and biscuit.

I went to a party with my mama with lots of kids and balloons and treats.  It was so much fun!  I brought some cars to share and I got to share other kids' toys too.  My mama made a cake and I got to eat it at the party. 

I have new mittens to keep my hands warm.  I can even eat apples with mittens on.  To put them on, I poke my thumbs in, then I poke them out;   it's hard keeping thumbs in the right place.

But last night I woke up and puked all over my bed.  It was really yucky.  I puked so many times.  My mama came when she heard me yelling and she asked why my arm was wet.  I said, "cough on arm."  So she knew what happened.  Today I feel a little better, but pretty tired from all that puking.

