Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thirty two months three weeks

Hello world!

I call broccoli "green trees," and cauliflower is "white trees."   I know their real names too.  Sometimes I like to play a game with my dad, naming things.  I say, "count again!" and then we name things like "table," "tablecloth," "placemat," and "cup."  This week I learned how to say the "Sp" sound;  I said "spoon," not "soon."

My dad stayed home instead of going to work.  I get to spend all day with him when he's home.  He gets up with me in the morning, helps me get dressed and eat, and we hang out.  When my dad says, "mummy does it for you," I say, "daddy helps!"  And then he helps me with my coat or the carseat.  My mama only helps me if my dad's not there.

I ran in laughing to my mama, and told her "doggy funny mouth!"  Our dog's lip was curled up and her tooth poked out.  It was hilarious!

I got to eat turkey and pumpkin pie with lots of cream.  Mostly I just ate the cream.



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