Friday, November 16, 2012

Thirty two months two weeks

Hello world!

My dad fixed his computer and then turned it on.  I was so excited, I danced around yelling, "blue light on!  Hooray!"  I told my mama that fireworks were "noisy stars in sky."  I watched them out the window.  I also worked out about numbers;  after nine comes ten and eleven, so after nineteen comes tenteen and eleventeen.  Something else I really like is the jingle on the radio;  I sing along: "BBC Radio Two."

I talked to my gramma on the computer again and I read her two books.  I read about daddy bears, baby bears, ducks, trees, swings, and bed.  My gramma really liked my stories.  I also ran downstairs and brought up as many toys as I could carry to show her.  I carried five toys upstairs all at once. 

I think my favourite foods are carrots, cheese, grapes, and olives.  When it's dinner time I always eat the meat first, then the vegetables.  I really like vegetables from the garden;  there's still a couple beans and peas in the garden to eat, but I ate all the carrots.  We need to grow more so I can pull them up and eat them.  And I ate all the apples my mama picked for me.  She made some into juice too, and I drank it. 

My dad has a special purple pen.  It never washes off.  I drew on the bed with it.



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