My best words this week are "broom," "balloon," and "blocks." I like to play with all of them.
I went to the library for story time with my mama and I made an Easter card too. I glued lots of paper together; it looks great. I even drew a message on the inside. After story time and glueing time, we did singing time. We sang "The Grand Old Duke of York" and marched all around the library.
I know even more animal noises now. I know all kinds of farm animals, but I sometimes mix up "neigh" and "baa." Our neighbour has a car with a lion on it but I think it looks like a dog. I always tell my mama "woof woof!" when I see it. She says it's a lion so then I say "rawr!"
I sat on the potty and had to pee so bad it just shot over the top onto the floor! Luckily I know what to do; I got a cloth and wiped it up. I put the cloth back but then my mama said to put it in the basket, so I did. Sometimes I need my mama to help me aim so that doesn't happen, but I had to pee so bad I couldn't wait to aim.
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