Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Twenty four months three weeks

Hello world!

My best words this week are "car," "bus," and "up." When I see a car or bus driving, I tell my mama. And when I want to be picked up, I hold out my arms and say "up!"

When I wake up I don't always like to get up right away. Sometimes I like to lay in bed singing and talking. If my mama tries to get me up I tell her "no" and roll away.

I have sunglasses and I wear them for a little bit when I'm in my stroller. My mama and I go to the library, children's centre, and post office with my stroller but I usually walk other places. I like both walking and riding.

I know how to dig dirt with my digger and dump truck. I have my own special place for digging next to the patio. It's so much fun! I have to wash my hands and face when I'm done; that's not so much fun.



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