Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Twenty three months five weeks

Hello world!

My best words this week are "house," "baby," and "potato." I see babies in buggies and I say "baby!" They're little and cute; I like them.

I do things my way; I don't want help unless I ask for it! My dad tries to help me sometimes and I tell him "no!" My mama already learned that; she gives me things I can do myself, like socks and shoes, or spoons and forks.

My best cupboard to play in has the blender and juicer and things. I pull out all the pieces and bang them around. I leave the doors open and the pieces on the floor. My mama says I have to put them away but it's a lot more fun to get them out. I need her to help me put them back.

I like to ride in the shopping cart at the store. There's lots to see there and my mama and dad talk about all the stuff there.

I don't like strange toilets. I just like my own potty. I don't want to pee in a strange toilet; I almost fell in one once, and now I don't like them.



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