This time I saw the baby moving, and I could see all its facial features, including eyes, nose, and ears. I saw its little shimmering heart beating. Because it's a little bigger than expected, I'm tending to think it'll be a boy. But then, I was pretty big for a newborn at 8lbs 14oz, so maybe it's a girl. I can't decide which one I want more. I don't think Partner has a preference, either.
I've gone back to work, and it's been very tiring, but I've managed to stick with every shift so far. Last night it got a bit too hot and I had to sit down twice or faint. Luckily I sat before I fainted. They want me in more to cover for other people's holidays, so I'll be doing more days, but still short shifts.
My nausea is nearly nonexistent now, only to be replaced by heartburn. A lot of things now give me heartburn, and it's bad. Painfully bad. I've got some antacid but I don't like taking it if I don't have to, so I've been trying to learn my problem foods. It seems bread and other starchy stuff is ok, as is milk and yogurt, but cheese is iffy. Pizza is bad, salsa is bad, pineapples are bad, and orange juice even gives me a little.
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