My best words this week are "seeds," "okay," "bicycle," and "sleep." When we were walking, I showed my mama, "two doggies!"
My new best friend is Izanah. She's my aunt and I call her "Sasana" or just "Nana" for short. I want her to read me books and play with me and hold my hand. I especially like it when I accidently kick off my shoe--Izanah is the only person who can put it back on just right. When she went upstairs I asked my mama, "Where Sasana?" and then my mama said she went upstairs. I said, "Sasana wee-wee." Then my mama said, "She's asleep." I said, "shhhh."
We have chickens in our garden! They live in a little house I helped my dad build. I call them "bok-boks" and they're fun to touch and feed and watch. I open their door in the morning so they can come out.
I can walk down the stairs by myself now. I don't need help but sometimes it's nice.
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