Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Twenty five months four weeks

Hello world!

My best words this week are "button," "vest," "cute," and "money." I like to run around the house and garden shouting "NO NO NO! NO NO NO!" I also sometimes count the stepping stones outside like this: "mama, daddy, mama, daddy, mama, daddy...mama!"

My dad took the rail off my bed. I don't have to climb out any more. I just roll out. One time I rolled out and got really upset and yelled until my dad came and saved me. The other time I didn't even really wake up. My mama just came and helped me back in bed. When I wake up and get out of bed, I go over and knock on my door and shout. Then someone lets me out. Maybe I'll open the door myself someday.

I help my mama make sandwiches. I get out the bread, then the peanut butter, then the jam. I put them all away too. I like to take my sandwiches apart to eat.

Our neighbour was mowing the lawn. I asked my mama to pick me up so I could watch over the fence. It was really cool. My dad mowed our lawn too. I watched him, but I wanted my mama to hold me then, too--just in case.



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