Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ten weeks three days

The horrible metallic taste I've had in my mouth since I first began getting nausea is not so bad now. I had a hard time drinking water because it would taste terrible. I'm drinking more now (thanks to Robinsons fruit squash--I can drink flavored drinks, but too much juice makes my stomach hurt, so a light dash of orange squash in my water solves my problems). I've been branching out in my food preferences as well, and am willing to try more things, though I still have to avoid greasy/fatty meats. And I just can't face vegetables yet, though I normally love my veg.

I think my nausea is also a bit less severe and less often. I had about a day and a half where my stomach felt like it was full of nails, but now I'm mostly just ravenous with a touch of sickness. I haven't been cooking because the smells set off my nausea, but I actually made a fruit salad the other day. And I washed a sinkful of dishes without retching once.

I have only had about two or three injections in the past week because I can't manage them. I don't think there is a single place left on either leg or buttock which has not had a puncture already. Imagine sticking a needle into a bruise. That is what it is now like. On the plus side, I'm seeing my specialist in two days to discuss it, and hopefully she'll give me the all-clear.

I'm still getting up multiple times in the night for bathroom breaks, and sleeping quite a bit, but I haven't needed a mid-day nap for a couple of weeks now. My most prevalent symptom now is hunger. It takes about an hour and a half after a meal for me to need another. I couldn't possibly say how many meals that totals up in a day. I've told Partner I think I have a tapeworm in addition to a pregnancy. He just rolled his eyes.

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