Friday, August 7, 2009

Eight weeks one day

Yesterday I met my midwife for the first time and filled out a ton of paperwork and had some blood taken. She came here to the house for our appointment, but it was still pretty tidy from last week's guests (Partner's sister and daughter came for the weekend).

At eight weeks, I'm still feeling very nauseous for most of the day, and quite hungry. It is very difficult to find food that I can choke down, especially when I have to do so every hour and a half. I've told Partner, quite seriously, that what I really want is a drip. That way I don't have to worry about finding it, putting it in my mouth, swallowing it, and having it come back up again. Plus I wouldn't have to worry about drinking either. Even water tastes horrible and I can only take small mouthfuls at a time. This from the woman who normally drinks about two to three liters a day. I'm lucky if I get through half a liter in a day now. I still drink a bit of juice and ginger ale, but my fluid intake is way down.

I've got a two week note from the doctor so I'm not back at work. The midwife actually told me not to hurry back. We can't really afford for me to not be working, but we both agree there are some things more important than money. This little spark of life means more to me than anything, and work was making me even more ill. At home I can sleep and retch as much as I need to.

I do have a tiny rounded belly, but I think it's more fluid and possibly gas than any noticeable baby just yet.

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