Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Six weeks six days

We had our first scan yesterday at the doctor, and she found the embryo straight away and she has said everything looks very good. We even listened to the heartbeat. Partner was very excited to see and hear it. I asked him and he says it feels more real to him now. Of course, it seems very real to me because I can feel all these small changes happening in my body. It was about the size of a little jelly bean and the sac itself was maybe small plum sized. No wonder I'm starting to stretch at the seams.

My mother and Partner's parents have been told, but we've asked them to keep it quiet from the rest of the family for another month/six weeks. I have my next scan in four weeks, and I will feel easier telling people when there is less of a chance of miscarriage. Not that I'm really at a particular risk of it, but these things do happen sometimes.

TV and computer screens both make me feel nauseous so I have been doing a lot of reading. Not so much blogging or gaming. I can eat rice krispies, orange juice, brown toast, ham and mustard sandwiches, and bean burritos. Anything else is a probable no. Still have not actually puked, but a few times have retched. My sense of smell is heightened and many things smell disgusting to me now.

We have a due date: March 18, 2010. I will be seven weeks along tomorrow.

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