My maternity leave officially starts next week, and my last day at work will be this Saturday (two days' time). However, weather conditions have been extreme this week--at the moment we have six to eight inches of snow on the ground and the roads are appalling; I haven't been in since Tuesday (two days ago) and even then I left early because of the snow. If the weather continues in this vein, I may not go back for that last shift. Not that they'll mind much; if the staff can't drive in, the customers can't either.
I'll be on maternity leave for nine weeks before my due date. The midwife told me that babies are born small if their mothers are quite active up to the birth. Since I'm having time off, that's giving him time to grow. Which may or may not be a good thing, seeing as I still have to give birth to him, whether he's tiny or huge! I'll still be getting in my walks though, as she also says that mothers who exercise have easier births.
I just have to be careful while walking in the snow and ice. Out in the field it's fine; the ground is rough and there's good traction even if it is frozen. It's just the pavement that I get worried about. Luckily I only have to walk three streets before we get to the field. But walking on that packed snow and ice, especially when the dog is pulling on the leash, is a bit scary. There have been times when I've made her walk behind me, just so she won't pull me over. She hates that.
I was meant to attend my first childbirth class tonight, but it's been canceled because of the snow. I also rescheduled a dental appointment (today) to next week. It's in the next village over and there's no way I'm driving there in these conditions. Partner actually had to walk from there to here when he got stranded in the snow. He got off the train from work only to find out the buses weren't running. It was a two or three mile walk in shin-deep snow in the dark. Poor man.
I'm finding sleeping comfortably a bit difficult now. I can only sleep on my side, but not for long periods before I have to turn to the other side. There have been a few times that he's woken me up with his banging, too. And I don't know how he managed it, but the other night he was hitting me in three different places at once. I told Partner he was playing his drum kit.
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