Partner has informed me that it's time I packed a bag for the hospital, and he's going to help me with it.
Ok then.
I've begun taking raspberry leaf capsules now. My midwife told me there's no concrete evidence about them, but I figure, why not? There is no evidence saying they're bad, so even if they don't help, at least they won't hurt. I've known about them for years now, and had planned on trying them in any case.
My dog-walking has gone from five days a week down to three because of the pain it causes in my pelvis and lower back now. We also do a short walk rather than a long walk. I've found that a nice hot bath afterwards really helps, however. Still, when I don't walk the dog she really gets on my nerves: but after we've gone out she curls up to sleep and doesn't bother me. I also have a difficult time getting my wellies on and off (especially off). I tried Partner's wellies the other day, and while they are easy to get into, they're absolutely huge and didn't make walking very easy. It's so muddy where we go walking! I hate getting mud on my shoes and clothing, so I need the wellies.
Pretty much every day I sing "The
eensy weensy spider" and I've noticed that Franklin reacts to it once I've hit the second line or so. Partner sings him "Baa baa black sheep", and reads a story most nights. I'm also practicing the same few pieces on the piano so he's got lots of safe, familiar sounds.
I've got 23 cloth baby wipes made now, and have finished embroidering the bassinet cover I made for him (the bassinet was lent to us by a relative who had a girl; the bedding was hot pink). I embroidered a sun and moon on it. I think it looks sweet, and it didn't take me that long. Once it's washed I'll take a photo of it. That's it for all my handmade baby items. I've made everything I wanted to for him, and anything else I make is just icing on the cake.
As far as I can tell, I still don't have any stretch marks yet. I think if I do get them, they'll be more prevalent on the right side: that's the side he's almost always on, and half the time my tummy is distended to the right with his position. In the pregnancy books and websites, it is recommended that I sleep on my left side to give him the benefit of the most blood/oxygen, but it's much more comfortable to sleep on my right. When I'm on my right he's pretty much laid down on the bed with me and I don't have to support his weight.