I had yet another hospital visit, this one arranged by my midwife who was still slightly concerned about his size. At the hospital, they told me he was exactly right in terms of size, and I personally have no doubt he'll be over eight pounds when he's born. I was, and so was Partner. I've been hooked up to the moniter thing three times now, and all three times he's tried squirming away from it. It's kind of funny (and ouchy this time--he's too big to squirm).
I woke up too hungry to go back to sleep yesterday: at 4.30AM. So I got up and decided to make a coffeecake and omelettes and sausages. I told Partner I would go back to bed once I'd walked the dog, but when I got home (this was about 8.30AM) I started to do my schoolwork instead, and ended up not going to bed until about 9.30 last night. By then I could barely keep my eyes open and even though I got up to pee three times, I didn't wake up until 9.30 this morning. Considering that I've had a really hard time sleeping and staying asleep these past few weeks, I ought to be well-rested. Um, actually no. Today I've been wandering around like a zombie.
I'm making cloth baby wipes (for baby changing, rather than using disposible ones) out of soft old t-shirts. They're double-layered and 100% cotton; so far I've finished seven, and have another seven or so cut out and ready to be sewn. I'm quite proud of them. I'm a big fan of reusing items wherever possible, and I also like natural products both in the non-chemical sense, such as in soaps (or in commercial baby wipes); and in materials like cotton instead of polyester. I actually don't use shampoo any more but wash my hair with water, and plan on not using shampoo on the baby, either. I also dislike most soaps, though I use a natural brand: Dr Bronner's. As it is a very mild soap, I think it will work nicely for the baby, too.
I was saying to Partner that the only thing I can think of that we still need is a diaper/nappy pail. As far as I can tell, everything else is ready. Well, we don't have a baby carrier or changing bag yet, but my mother has promised to bring these items for me when she flies over on the 17th of March. I've said I don't want a stroller/pushchair until he gets a bit bigger, if at all. Maybe once he's started walking, but is too heavy to carry far. They're a bit of a hassle to maneuver, really. I think Partner is skeptical about carrying the baby in a sling. I'm not.
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