How I love my little boy! He's such a little angel (except, of course, when he's a little bugger). He's sleeping for two to three hours at a time at nights now, and only cries when he's very hungry, or has bad gas. Last night, however, he insisted that he was starving, in fact he was so hungry he was GOING TO DIE, MAMA!! and for about an hour I kept putting him on and he would have about five sucks then fall asleep. As soon as I took him off, he started squirming and crying again so I finally gave in and put a pacifier in his mouth. I hadn't wanted to give him one if at all possible, and I cried a little seeing that awful thing in his cute little mouth, but once it was in, he felt a lot better and wanted to sleep. I'd rather not give it to him except to help him settle for sleeping.

My mother is here and I admit I'm taking advantage of her willingness to look after him while I sleep/eat/bathe/study during the day. I think she might be getting a little tired of it, but I don't bother her at bedtime, and either Partner or I change him and bathe him so she doesn't have to do anything messy. I've also given her permission to do light housework, but I don't think she's taken me up on that offer.
Since his birth, Franklin has put on 10 whole ounces--which is probably why he's hungry and sleepy all the time. Even I can tell he's really grown: everything about him is bigger, but especially his head and his length. I think he's going to be a very big, healthy boy.
We have taken him out several times now; he's gone into town with us a few times, we went to Brodsworth Hall (the local stately home), and of course we all went to pick up my mother from the airport. Today we walked to the village children's center and found out about all the baby activities and groups there. Partner's been carrying him in his little pouch--they both love it. He's met lots of admirers; the neighbors think he's adorable and both my and Partner's coworkers thought he was the image of perfection. Which is true.
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