I think he had another growth spurt yesterday: all he wanted to do was eat and eat and eat, and instead of the normal 4ish-hour blocks of sleep that night, it was more like 2-hour blocks. He's normally eating every 2 to 3 hours during the day, but yesterday it was more like every hour. Hungry boy.
Naptimes are a little easier now. Of course yesterday: not so easy, seeing as he was just too hungry to sleep long. I can usually get at least one 2-hour nap in during the day, and two other (shorter) naps. He still throws a bit of a fit if I don't catch him in time; if he's too tired he'll cry and flail. When he starts to yawn, I watch him carefully and start to remove stimulus (no more talking/singing loudly, no new objects introduced, no exuberant games. After the third yawn, I wrap him in his blankie from the waist down, take him to the bedroom and close the curtains, and cuddle him and sing a quiet song and give him his pacifier (seen in the photo--I call it his sucker). When he's quite calm and a bit glassy-eyed, I place him gently in his basket and make quiet shhhhh sounds. If he's still quite calm, I try to leave the room.
Normally this doesn't get him to sleep the first try. I think for his first nap today it took about three or four return trips to the bedroom to replace his sucker and re-calm him. But he's now been in there quietly for nearly two hours, and I've been in the next bedroom studying. And still in my pajamas because I don't want to go back in there and wake him.
I've discovered the joy of bathing with babies. I think it's great to get in the bath with Franklin, and he loves it too. He'll happily paddle away while I support his shoulders and neck, and it's so nice to have skin-to-skin contact. Last night we spent a good long while in there, just cuddling and soaking. Partner hasn't tried it yet, but I've told him he should. Franklin hasn't pooed in the tub with me (yet) but he has peed. It's kind of funny.
We went to the local baby group the other day and saw two of the other ladies from our childbirth class there. Both their babies were born about a week after Franklin, but both were HUGE. They're both formula-fed and their faces are just so fat. Franklin looks much cuter than either of their babies. Though one did have lovely blonde hair and light blue eyes: if he was breastfed, I'm sure he would have been a lot cuter.