We're also going up to five hours at night before waking (this is heaven). Sleep. I don't get much, but I get a lot more than when he was first born.
Franklin has begun making little cooing noises when he's happy. He makes an "oh" sound, or an "ee" sound, or sometimes "ah." When he's really upset the noise that comes out is "N-DAH!" or "NOY!" I try not to let it get to that point; usually it's just a generally waahhh!!! But I hasten to add that he only gets upset for legitimate reasons (like when I purposefully withhold food or sleep or his sucker from him).
He had a hard day today--two walks: very exciting--and needed a big cuddle so I let him fall asleep in my arms this afternoon. To tell the truth I needed the cuddle too. Tomorrow he has his immunizations and I'm not looking forward to it.
5 hours of sleep at night is great! Katelyn, (the youngest)was a great sleeper, but Lauren wouldn't sleep more than 2 hours at night, and at this age, her naps were only 40 minutes. For me, the better the baby the more active and difficult the toddler. And the reverse, the more difficult the baby, the easier the toddler. I hope this isn't true for you. I hope Franklin is both--a wonderful and easy baby and toddler!