Franklin has learned how to kiss now--or at least baby kiss. When I bring my face close to him and give him a "mwah" he'll open his mouth for it. It usually provokes a smile or laugh, too.
We have been going to a baby group at the local children's center every week. I think he likes the noise and seeing other babies (most of whom are mobile--he's the littlest one there). There was a little girl about a year old who got increasingly upset with me as I kept giving back the toy she repeatedly shoved in my hand. She didn't talk, but she kept pointing at Franklin, so I figured she meant that the toy was for him, not me, so why wasn't I giving it to him? He watched the proceedings with great interest, but didn't have the slightest clue what to do with the toy. He hasn't worked out the see-grab response yet, though he can grab things if I put them in his hand. I'm working on it by showing him things and stroking his hands with them.
Several mothers have told me they can't remember their babies/children being Franklin's size. I remember when he was born, for sure. I felt him come out, and then holding him, thinking there was no way this big baby fit through that opening! I do remember his head being smaller and his arms and legs skinnier. He was weighed at 10.5 pounds at his check-up last week: a gain of nearly three pounds since birth. And don't I know it! My mother told me then that he would only get cuter as he grew, but I didn't believe her; I thought there was no higher level of cute. I was wrong; he continues to amaze me with his feats of cuteness.
How long/tall is he now? I had the same thoughts with Logan. I haven't noticed him getting any bigger, but he has gotten longer and heavier. My baby's still a scrawny kid, but a very cute one. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteHe is so ADORABLE!!! Babies are compleltely fascinating to me. I could sit and watch them all day. They are so cute, smart, and fun! Your Mom is right. . .they only get better as they grow. (but they do have more cons too!) ;) Hee hee hee