Hello world!
I've had a very busy few weeks recently and it's made me forget my usual routine. I'm not sure at all what to do during the day--we've been going out nearly the whole day, so my naptimes and mealtimes are not regular the way I like it. At least my bedtime routine hasn't changed. I still have my bath, feed, then sleep. My bedtime routine is so easy that when mama puts me in bed, I know exactly what I'm supposed to do, and only fuss and whine for about an hour.
I got a new big boy bed. It's huge! My basket was great but I got too big for it. I can roll around everywhere in my new crib. Last night I did a complete circle overnight, ending up where I started from. I do get a little worried about taking a nap in there because I can't touch the sides like in my basket. I think I might get used to it, though; I like it just fine at night. My bed is still right next to my mama's side, but sometimes my daddy sleeps on that side when mama gets tired of sticking my sucker back in my mouth at night. I don't need to sleep right next to mama now if I don't want to because I don't wake up hungry in the middle of the night any more. I can sleep for ten or twelve hours at night now.

I also grew out of my little boy 0-3 month clothes. Oh yes: I'm in 3-6 months now, and I've got twice the amount of clothing. I don't have my own dresser yet, so all my clothes are stacked on a table in my bedroom.
This is me and mama in the kitchen. Mama looks a lot thinner than the first day I met her. I'm helping by going on a walk with her every day, and by eating plenty.