Hello world!
I got some new books and toys recently and I love them. I found out I can put stuff in my mouth and everything seems to taste so good. My very favorite book is called
Have You Seen My Cat?--mama reads it to me every day and I look at all the pictures. When we were waiting at the doctor's, I saw another baby my age, and even though he was a lot fatter than me, he wasn't as grown-up. I was sat up on mama's knee, listening and watching, adding my own comments here and there; but he was just laid down in his mama's arms staring at the ceiling, sucking on his sucker.
I've been really grumpy the past three days because I lost my sucker. The first day, mama put me in my big boy bed without it and I reminded her that I didn't sleep without it. She said, "I'm not giving it to you," so I said, "Well, I'm not sleeping." Then I said, "We'll see who caves first!" and I kept saying that over and over again until I got so sleepy I needed a little nap to refresh me. When I woke up I couldn't remember why I was yelling, so I didn't bother yelling again. Until next naptime.
Mama took me in to get weighed (I like taking my clothes off) but the nurse said I needed to gain more weight, and they talked about a lot of stuff that wasn't very interesting (I hate getting my clothes back on) about centiles and grams and latching and pacifying; the nurse said mama should feed me more--this sounded great to me, only I didn't realize I would lose my sucker in the process.
This means when I wake up at night or during my nap, wondering where I put my sucker, I get to eat instead. This is a good thing for me, because I love to get up and eat and play. Mama also loves to feed me and play with me at any hour, day or night. But at night she falls asleep during our games a lot. It's ok, though. I just wake her back up.