Singing is lots of fun. Mama put me in my big boy bed this week and when she came back to get me up, I was singing to my bugs (I have some bright bugs that hang above my bed). I also like to sing when she plays my favorite piano piece, or sometimes in the car with the radio. I can sing in my normal voice and in a growly voice which my mama calls my Franklinsaurus voice.
Dancing is good too. My dad does the Franklin Dance with me but he's so funny he makes me laugh. My mama lets me lay on my back and helps me kick in time with music. I like that too.

I sometimes get too wiggly to sleep, even though I'm tired. Yesterday I wiggled all the way from the top of my big boy bed to the bottom, facing the other direction. I get really upset when I can't stop wiggling when I want to sleep. If that happens, my mama can help me get back to sleep by giving me something to eat.
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