I think the only person I like is my mama. She can solve all my problems. I had to go to the doctor and get three shots in my legs and it hurt so bad, but my mama made it better by feeding me. Whenever I feel grumpy, she always makes me better.
I guess dad's ok too, but he's not the mama. He held me one time and then I realized it wasn't mama holding me and I started waving my arms at her and crying. But when she got me, I felt much happier. Dad plays games with me that mama doesn't, though. He's teaching me how to walk. I don't know if I'll even bother with crawling; that's for babies.
When I wake up from my nap, I usually call out to let mama know I want up, and then she comes in and says, "where's mama?" I smile my biggest and look around for her.
I just found out two things this week. The first thing is people have feet! I have feet; my mama has feet. I can grab my feet but it feels kind of weird. Mama's feet are really good because her toes are shiny red. I watch her toes when she walks and dances. The other thing I found out, we have a dog! A dog is like a person in your family except hairier and doesn't sit on the couch. I like to watch our dog, and I tried to grab her ear but I kept missing. When I manage to grab it, I think I'll eat it.
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