My mama took me to meet her friend and baby last week. The other baby was only a little bit bigger than me, and could kind of wriggle around but not exactly crawl. I'm just starting to wriggle. While mama fed me, I got so caught up listening to the conversation that when she laughed at a joke, from under the blanket I laughed too.
So far I've eaten oatmeal with mama's milk, banana, melon, zuccini, and potato. I wasn't too sure about the zuccini, and when my dad gave me potato, I was too tired to try it. I'll have to try it again to see if I like it. My mama gave me a melon slice and I held it and ate it. It was slippery, but if I dropped it, mama just picked it back up for me. I worked out which side to eat and which side to hold; it was yummy.

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