Hello world!
My best words this week are "worm," "honey," "bin," and "fork." I also say my own name really well: "FFFFFFFangin."
My dad made dinner one night and he did the best carrots ever. I ate all mine, most of my dad's and even some of my mama's. I liked the carrots even better than the potatoes and meat. Usually I like the meat the best, then the potatoes, and then the carrots last.
I'm not supposed to eat snacks before dinner because then I'm picky. When I don't have snacks first, I eat everything on my plate. Sometimes I ask my mama for a cracker but she says I have to wait till after I eat dinner. Before I eat, I get to have my cool bib on. I have one called Rainbow and one called Smiley. I like Smiley best but Rainbow's really good too.
I went to the garden centre and there was a steam museum too. I saw lots of machines going back and forth and round and round, saying "pffff." I like machines, especially noisy machines. I also like garden centres because there's lots of things to see and places to walk around. I even saw some big fish swimming there.
I love to help my mama garden. I especially like the digging. I need my own shovel so I can dig too. Otherwise I use my mama's when she puts it down; it's taller than me but that doesn't stop me!