Friday, December 11, 2009

Twenty-six weeks five days

For the past few weeks I've been so exhausted at the end of the day that I go to sleep almost as soon as I hit the pillow. I still have to get up once or twice a night to pee, though. I don't feel the need for a mid-day nap, however. I'm also not as ravenous as I was for the first half of the pregnancy. It's strange that when he was just a collection of cells, I was starving all the time, and now that he's a proper baby, I'm not much hungrier than I normally would be.

I don't feel I've gotten much bigger from the last picture I posted. He's big enough now to be an actual weight, though. I can't lay on my back anymore because he presses on tender bits and makes my legs feel fuzzy. It's quite difficult to actually turn over in bed because of the weight. I also notice that I can only bend so far, so I must squat. This makes certain chores like laundry a bit tricky.

My mother sent me two boxes crammed with baby clothes. I don't know if he'll have enough time to wear all the clothing he now has. I made a new cover for the bassinet (recall the original was pink) out of a white cotton curtain. I also finished the crocheted blanket and can't wait to make another. But I'm working on another knitted hooded cardigan first. I love making baby things, though I'm sure he won't care one way or another.

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