Hello world!
Me and my dad went to town together yesterday because my mama hurt her back and couldn't move. So she stayed home. It's fun to hang out with just dad. But hanging out with mama and daddy is the best. Today we all played together on the bed. I like that.

I want to stand and walk by myself. I keep trying to stand all by myself, and if my mama is there, she has to help me stand. I grab her fingers and pull up. Otherwise I try to stand using the dresser or sofa or bed. If she's on the floor, I don't need mama's fingers to stand up. I can climb up her without them, holding her clothes.
I don't eat baby food for dinner now. I eat the same thing as everyone else. I have a special machine that makes dinner my size; my dad puts some dinner in it, it goes vvvvvrrrrrrr, and then it's ready. I eat things like lamb and rice and vegetables, or ham and potatoes and vegetables. Sometimes I eat a piece of fruit for lunch, like kiwi or apple. I used to like banana, but when I puked really bad a litte while ago, banana is what I puked. I will have to try and see if I still like it.
My parents use some signs to me; I'm not sure about all of them, but I definitely know what the wee-wee sign is. When my mama changes my bum and I'm naked, she says, do you want to wee-wee on the potty, and uses the sign. If I want to, I laugh and wiggle, and she puts me on the potty. Then I pee; twice I even pooed--it's way nicer to poo in the potty than in my clothes. Afterwards, we go flush it; I like to watch the flush.
One of my favorite noises to make is a dinosaur noise. I walk and go rrraaarrrrr and mama says I look like I'm going to destroy Tokyo.