I went for a walk by myself down my street. It was really fun--I walked out of our driveway and then down the

When I go in my big boy bed at night, my dad gets me in my jammies and my sleeping bag. My curtains are shut and my radio plays quiet static for me. Then I touch the moon (it hangs from the ceiling) and my daddy lays me down. I sleep best on my front. I skootch around till it's just right (bum in air), then I place my fingers just so into my mouth, and I'm asleep.
Our dog needs to move out of my way when I'm walking. Otherwise I might step on her tail. She should know by now.
I went to a different play group for big and little kids this week. I played with lots of toys and watched lots of kids, and we even had snack time! I ate a cracker and cheese and drank juice. I sat at a table in a chair just my size, and I didn't fall off. When we were finished, I went home and had a great sleep. Playing with other kids is really awesome but tiring.
Sometimes when there's a lot of grown-ups, I get kind of bashful. I'm not shy around kids, though. If there's too many strange grown-ups, I want to stay close to my mama. But if there's kids, I want to play with them.
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