I know what kind of music I like. I like piano, especially when I help my mama play it. I sit on her lap and she plays the notes and I play the ones she misses. I also like the radio a lot. I ask my mama to turn it on and I clap when the songs end. Before bathtime my dad turns on the Angry Bird song. I love that song; I sing along to it. One time my dad wasn't home so my mama gave me a bath. I asked her for the song only she didn't have it. Bathtime wasn't the same without it.
I'm tall enough to reach the counters in the kitchen. I can grab stuff like chocolate, and if I see something I can't reach I tell my mama.
My new best word is "uh-oh." I say it when something falls on the floor or comes apart. I also say "yuck" when I see dog poo on the ground. I don't step in it.
If my mama or dad is doing something without me, I don't like it much. Sometimes I'm too busy with my own things but other times I need attention! When my mama got out the vacuum, I didn't want her to use it. I got really upset when she didn't listen to me, so I did the one thing I knew would make her pay attention: I signed "wee-wee." She turned off the vacuum right then! I was just pretending about needing to pee, but she still ran with me to the toilet and I had to sit on it. I had to sit on it till I peed before I could get off. At least she paid me some attention though, instead of that dumb old vacuum.
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