Friday, October 19, 2012

Thirty one months two weeks

Hello world!

My best words this week are "sawing," "mowing," "slipped," and "peanut butter."  I sometimes say my name "Fwankwin" now.  I used to just say "Fankin."

I have a cough and snot this week.  It's really yucky.  My mama gave me a hankie to put in my pocket so I can wipe my own nose.  I'm really good at wiping my nose and putting the hankie back in my pocket.   I woke up a lot in the night this week because of my cough and snot.  One night I got to go in bed with my mama and daddy for a little bit and snuggle.  It was really nice, and then I wriggled around a lot.

I love to pull up carrots from the garden.  My mama makes me a little bowl of water and I wash them, then eat them.  I also like picking peas and beans to eat.  It's more fun to eat them from the garden than with dinner.

My mama made me a hat but I want to wear my dad's hat instead.  It looks like my hat, but it's big and blue.  When I put it on, I pat my head, just like my dad.



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