Hello world!
In the morning when I get up, I go to my mummy's room and hop into her bed and tell her, "hugs." We have a snuggle for a little while, and then we get up. I get my clothes from my dresser and we both get dressed, then I say, "downstairs, breakfast eggs!" I eat eggs almost every morning. Sometimes I ask for "two yolks" but mostly I eat them like an omelette. I also love bacon and sausages but I don't eat them every day.
I'm really good at having my photo taken. I like it a lot. My mummy says, let me take your picture right here, and so I hold still and look at the camera. When she goes behind me, I turn around so she can see me. I also find things for her to take pictures of, like books and cars.
I have a little cough and snot, but it's not too bad. I keep a hanky in my pocket so I can blow my own nose. Except I don't really blow, just sort of sniff and wipe.
We have a Christmas tree with lights. I get to turn on the lights. I'm very careful. We went for a drive when it was dark and saw lots of lights. I yelled, "Christmas lights! Loads of Christmas lights!" I got a Christmas card from my neighbour Eileen. I told my mummy it had a "snowman, Christmas tree, star, Christmas man." My mummy said his name is Santa, so now I say, "Christmas man Santa."
Monday, December 17, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Thirty two months four weeks
Hello world!
I took my yellow car to bed with me for a nap. When I got up, I asked my mama where it was, but then I remembered. I ran back upstairs and got my yellow car, and I told my mama, "yellow car sleeping. Yellow car woke up."
I like to help my mama turn pages in books and newspapers. Sometimes I can't wait for her to finish reading, and I turn the page. I also still like to read books by myself. I sit on the floor and read all the pages.
I know how to play hide and seek. I play with my mama and daddy. My daddy counted and me and my mama hid behind the sofa. My daddy looked in all the wrong places for us--it was so funny I couldn't help giggling, and he found us! Then my mama counted while my dad hid, and we went looking for him. He wasn't hiding behind the sofa, or in the kitchen; he was in the closet! I like to play hide and seek with my mama; when she was cooking, I hid behind the table, and called out, "where Franklin gone?" My mama didn't know so I popped out and yelled, "Here he is!"
I sat on the potty to pee and instead of going in the potty like usual, it went flying across the room. I wiped it up with a cloth. The next day, I reminded my mama, "wee-wee jump out of potty!"
I think my favourite show to watch is Arthur. I watch it sometimes with my mama, and I sing along with the end of the song: "hey!" I say, "hey, DW!" I call her "Dee-duboo". Then Arthur says whoa, and I say, "Arthur fell down!" I love that part.
I took my yellow car to bed with me for a nap. When I got up, I asked my mama where it was, but then I remembered. I ran back upstairs and got my yellow car, and I told my mama, "yellow car sleeping. Yellow car woke up."
I like to help my mama turn pages in books and newspapers. Sometimes I can't wait for her to finish reading, and I turn the page. I also still like to read books by myself. I sit on the floor and read all the pages.
I know how to play hide and seek. I play with my mama and daddy. My daddy counted and me and my mama hid behind the sofa. My daddy looked in all the wrong places for us--it was so funny I couldn't help giggling, and he found us! Then my mama counted while my dad hid, and we went looking for him. He wasn't hiding behind the sofa, or in the kitchen; he was in the closet! I like to play hide and seek with my mama; when she was cooking, I hid behind the table, and called out, "where Franklin gone?" My mama didn't know so I popped out and yelled, "Here he is!"
I sat on the potty to pee and instead of going in the potty like usual, it went flying across the room. I wiped it up with a cloth. The next day, I reminded my mama, "wee-wee jump out of potty!"
I think my favourite show to watch is Arthur. I watch it sometimes with my mama, and I sing along with the end of the song: "hey!" I say, "hey, DW!" I call her "Dee-duboo". Then Arthur says whoa, and I say, "Arthur fell down!" I love that part.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Thirty two months three weeks
Hello world!
I call broccoli "green trees," and cauliflower is "white trees." I know their real names too. Sometimes I like to play a game with my dad, naming things. I say, "count again!" and then we name things like "table," "tablecloth," "placemat," and "cup." This week I learned how to say the "Sp" sound; I said "spoon," not "soon."
My dad stayed home instead of going to work. I get to spend all day with him when he's home. He gets up with me in the morning, helps me get dressed and eat, and we hang out. When my dad says, "mummy does it for you," I say, "daddy helps!" And then he helps me with my coat or the carseat. My mama only helps me if my dad's not there.
I ran in laughing to my mama, and told her "doggy funny mouth!" Our dog's lip was curled up and her tooth poked out. It was hilarious!
I got to eat turkey and pumpkin pie with lots of cream. Mostly I just ate the cream.
I call broccoli "green trees," and cauliflower is "white trees." I know their real names too. Sometimes I like to play a game with my dad, naming things. I say, "count again!" and then we name things like "table," "tablecloth," "placemat," and "cup." This week I learned how to say the "Sp" sound; I said "spoon," not "soon."
My dad stayed home instead of going to work. I get to spend all day with him when he's home. He gets up with me in the morning, helps me get dressed and eat, and we hang out. When my dad says, "mummy does it for you," I say, "daddy helps!" And then he helps me with my coat or the carseat. My mama only helps me if my dad's not there.
I ran in laughing to my mama, and told her "doggy funny mouth!" Our dog's lip was curled up and her tooth poked out. It was hilarious!
I got to eat turkey and pumpkin pie with lots of cream. Mostly I just ate the cream.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Thirty two months two weeks
Hello world!
My dad fixed his computer and then turned it on. I was so excited, I danced around yelling, "blue light on! Hooray!" I told my mama that fireworks were "noisy stars in sky." I watched them out the window. I also worked out about numbers; after nine comes ten and eleven, so after nineteen comes tenteen and eleventeen. Something else I really like is the jingle on the radio; I sing along: "BBC Radio Two."
I talked to my gramma on the computer again and I read her two books. I read about daddy bears, baby bears, ducks, trees, swings, and bed. My gramma really liked my stories. I also ran downstairs and brought up as many toys as I could carry to show her. I carried five toys upstairs all at once.
I think my favourite foods are carrots, cheese, grapes, and olives. When it's dinner time I always eat the meat first, then the vegetables. I really like vegetables from the garden; there's still a couple beans and peas in the garden to eat, but I ate all the carrots. We need to grow more so I can pull them up and eat them. And I ate all the apples my mama picked for me. She made some into juice too, and I drank it.
My dad has a special purple pen. It never washes off. I drew on the bed with it.
My dad fixed his computer and then turned it on. I was so excited, I danced around yelling, "blue light on! Hooray!" I told my mama that fireworks were "noisy stars in sky." I watched them out the window. I also worked out about numbers; after nine comes ten and eleven, so after nineteen comes tenteen and eleventeen. Something else I really like is the jingle on the radio; I sing along: "BBC Radio Two."
I talked to my gramma on the computer again and I read her two books. I read about daddy bears, baby bears, ducks, trees, swings, and bed. My gramma really liked my stories. I also ran downstairs and brought up as many toys as I could carry to show her. I carried five toys upstairs all at once.
I think my favourite foods are carrots, cheese, grapes, and olives. When it's dinner time I always eat the meat first, then the vegetables. I really like vegetables from the garden; there's still a couple beans and peas in the garden to eat, but I ate all the carrots. We need to grow more so I can pull them up and eat them. And I ate all the apples my mama picked for me. She made some into juice too, and I drank it.
My dad has a special purple pen. It never washes off. I drew on the bed with it.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Thirty two months one week
Hello world!
My best words this week are "pumpkin," "trouble," "scarf," and "sick."
I helped my mama carve a pumpkin. We made a scary man with a candle in it. I called it "man pumpkin squash." Then my dad cooked it into soup and I ate it all.
I told my dad today, "mummy make socks toes. Thank you mummy!" My stripey woolly socks have brand new toes. I also said to my mama, "man make letters. Good job man!" when I picked up the mail from the slot.
When it's time to do something, I tell my mama. She says, what do we do next? and then I say, "get dressed!" or "sleepytime nap!" Sometimes I don't want to say it, though, and I lay on the floor and say, "meh."
My best words this week are "pumpkin," "trouble," "scarf," and "sick."
I helped my mama carve a pumpkin. We made a scary man with a candle in it. I called it "man pumpkin squash." Then my dad cooked it into soup and I ate it all.
I told my dad today, "mummy make socks toes. Thank you mummy!" My stripey woolly socks have brand new toes. I also said to my mama, "man make letters. Good job man!" when I picked up the mail from the slot.
When it's time to do something, I tell my mama. She says, what do we do next? and then I say, "get dressed!" or "sleepytime nap!" Sometimes I don't want to say it, though, and I lay on the floor and say, "meh."
Friday, November 2, 2012
Thirty one months four weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "magnet," "gloves," "kitchen," and "tuna." Sometimes I say my words backwards, like "cayron" and "bicsit" instead of crayon and biscuit.
I went to a party with my mama with lots of kids and balloons and treats. It was so much fun! I brought some cars to share and I got to share other kids' toys too. My mama made a cake and I got to eat it at the party.
I have new mittens to keep my hands warm. I can even eat apples with mittens on. To put them on, I poke my thumbs in, then I poke them out; it's hard keeping thumbs in the right place.
But last night I woke up and puked all over my bed. It was really yucky. I puked so many times. My mama came when she heard me yelling and she asked why my arm was wet. I said, "cough on arm." So she knew what happened. Today I feel a little better, but pretty tired from all that puking.
My best words this week are "magnet," "gloves," "kitchen," and "tuna." Sometimes I say my words backwards, like "cayron" and "bicsit" instead of crayon and biscuit.
I went to a party with my mama with lots of kids and balloons and treats. It was so much fun! I brought some cars to share and I got to share other kids' toys too. My mama made a cake and I got to eat it at the party.
I have new mittens to keep my hands warm. I can even eat apples with mittens on. To put them on, I poke my thumbs in, then I poke them out; it's hard keeping thumbs in the right place.
But last night I woke up and puked all over my bed. It was really yucky. I puked so many times. My mama came when she heard me yelling and she asked why my arm was wet. I said, "cough on arm." So she knew what happened. Today I feel a little better, but pretty tired from all that puking.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Thirty one months three weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "oh dear," "magazine," "string," and "stripey."
I woke up twice this week and needed the potty. I took off my jammies all by myself and used it. Then I woke my mama up and told her, "bum wipe!" She was really happy to wake up and wipe my bum.
I have a neighbour named Eileen. I like to visit her and play with her toys. When we walk by her house, I ask my mama if we can see her. One time we picked plums for her on our walk, and I like to remind my mama when we walk past the tree. I also have a neighbour named Zak. He goes to school but I got to watch him play a computer game when my mama talked to his mama. I tell my mama about Zak's car. I say, "Zak's mummy drive car. Zak's car gone."
I'm so good at tidying up now. I put away my toys before I get out my books. Then I put away books before I get out toys. I lined up my little bears on the piano. I pushed them on the floor; my mama said, where do bears go? I said, "bears sleeping on floor." I also know where to draw now. Not on the walls or the floor or the chair or the piano. I draw on paper!
Sometimes I like to ask my mama and daddy one thing lots of times. I say it over and over again. If I ask enough times they might say yes, I think. My dad does sometimes.
My best words this week are "oh dear," "magazine," "string," and "stripey."
I woke up twice this week and needed the potty. I took off my jammies all by myself and used it. Then I woke my mama up and told her, "bum wipe!" She was really happy to wake up and wipe my bum.
I have a neighbour named Eileen. I like to visit her and play with her toys. When we walk by her house, I ask my mama if we can see her. One time we picked plums for her on our walk, and I like to remind my mama when we walk past the tree. I also have a neighbour named Zak. He goes to school but I got to watch him play a computer game when my mama talked to his mama. I tell my mama about Zak's car. I say, "Zak's mummy drive car. Zak's car gone."
I'm so good at tidying up now. I put away my toys before I get out my books. Then I put away books before I get out toys. I lined up my little bears on the piano. I pushed them on the floor; my mama said, where do bears go? I said, "bears sleeping on floor." I also know where to draw now. Not on the walls or the floor or the chair or the piano. I draw on paper!
Sometimes I like to ask my mama and daddy one thing lots of times. I say it over and over again. If I ask enough times they might say yes, I think. My dad does sometimes.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Thirty one months two weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "sawing," "mowing," "slipped," and "peanut butter." I sometimes say my name "Fwankwin" now. I used to just say "Fankin."
I have a cough and snot this week. It's really yucky. My mama gave me a hankie to put in my pocket so I can wipe my own nose. I'm really good at wiping my nose and putting the hankie back in my pocket. I woke up a lot in the night this week because of my cough and snot. One night I got to go in bed with my mama and daddy for a little bit and snuggle. It was really nice, and then I wriggled around a lot.
I love to pull up carrots from the garden. My mama makes me a little bowl of water and I wash them, then eat them. I also like picking peas and beans to eat. It's more fun to eat them from the garden than with dinner.
My mama made me a hat but I want to wear my dad's hat instead. It looks like my hat, but it's big and blue. When I put it on, I pat my head, just like my dad.
My best words this week are "sawing," "mowing," "slipped," and "peanut butter." I sometimes say my name "Fwankwin" now. I used to just say "Fankin."
I have a cough and snot this week. It's really yucky. My mama gave me a hankie to put in my pocket so I can wipe my own nose. I'm really good at wiping my nose and putting the hankie back in my pocket. I woke up a lot in the night this week because of my cough and snot. One night I got to go in bed with my mama and daddy for a little bit and snuggle. It was really nice, and then I wriggled around a lot.
I love to pull up carrots from the garden. My mama makes me a little bowl of water and I wash them, then eat them. I also like picking peas and beans to eat. It's more fun to eat them from the garden than with dinner.
My mama made me a hat but I want to wear my dad's hat instead. It looks like my hat, but it's big and blue. When I put it on, I pat my head, just like my dad.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Thirty one months one week
Hello world!
My best words this week are "hello," "later," "chard," and "harmonica." I play the harmonica; I say "amonca." Sometimes I have a hard time saying Hs.
On Saturday my dad doesn't go to work so I get to play all day with him. My mama goes to work instead. I tell her bye bye, give her a kiss, and wave out the window when she goes. When my dad goes to work he's gone before I wake up in the morning.
This week my dad didn't go to work and I got to play so much with him! We even went on a train with my mama. I sat in the seat like a grown up, and only wriggled a little bit. I call trains "Thomas;" I love trains.
I fell off my little chair when I was climbing. I got upset, and then later I told my dad, "ouchie. Pink cream." Whenever I get ouchie, I need cream on it. I need it so often, I get to keep the tube of cream in my room. It's pink.
I found a piece of string on the floor and I flossed my teeth with it. I like flossing. I want to help my mama floss sometimes.
My best words this week are "hello," "later," "chard," and "harmonica." I play the harmonica; I say "amonca." Sometimes I have a hard time saying Hs.
On Saturday my dad doesn't go to work so I get to play all day with him. My mama goes to work instead. I tell her bye bye, give her a kiss, and wave out the window when she goes. When my dad goes to work he's gone before I wake up in the morning.
This week my dad didn't go to work and I got to play so much with him! We even went on a train with my mama. I sat in the seat like a grown up, and only wriggled a little bit. I call trains "Thomas;" I love trains.
I fell off my little chair when I was climbing. I got upset, and then later I told my dad, "ouchie. Pink cream." Whenever I get ouchie, I need cream on it. I need it so often, I get to keep the tube of cream in my room. It's pink.
I found a piece of string on the floor and I flossed my teeth with it. I like flossing. I want to help my mama floss sometimes.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Thirty months four weeks
Hello world!
This week my best words are "flannel," "try," "silly," and "naughty." I say words my own way: I have a hard time with Ls, Rs, Vs, and words with lots of sounds together like Sp, St, and things like that. Instead of light and yellow, I say "yight" and "yewwow;" instead of drink I say "dwink;" I say "seben," not seven, and I say "soon" and "sicker" instead of spoon and sticker. I say "So duck" to my mama but she doesn't know what I mean.
I got up one morning and into bed with my mama when she was asleep. Then I was awake so I got back out of bed and looked for something to play with. I found some vaseline I used to have for my rash. I rubbed it all over myself; it felt great! When my mama woke up, I showed her where the vaseline was: on the bed, the floor, the toothpaste, and of course, all over me and my jammies. I got a towel and we wiped it up.
At dinner time I set the table myself. I also put my plate in the sink when I'm done. I like to be helpful. When my mama cooks dinner I read books or play with blocks in the living room. Sometimes I bring my book into the kitchen and read out loud to my mama. I also like to stand on a chair next to her and chop things with my knife. And I really like to taste sauce my mama makes off a little spoon. When she uses the mixer, I ask, "Franklin nick it?" That means I want to lick it. I love to lick the mixer when it's done.
My favourite shirt is my motorbike shirt. I call it "motomike."
This week my best words are "flannel," "try," "silly," and "naughty." I say words my own way: I have a hard time with Ls, Rs, Vs, and words with lots of sounds together like Sp, St, and things like that. Instead of light and yellow, I say "yight" and "yewwow;" instead of drink I say "dwink;" I say "seben," not seven, and I say "soon" and "sicker" instead of spoon and sticker. I say "So duck" to my mama but she doesn't know what I mean.
I got up one morning and into bed with my mama when she was asleep. Then I was awake so I got back out of bed and looked for something to play with. I found some vaseline I used to have for my rash. I rubbed it all over myself; it felt great! When my mama woke up, I showed her where the vaseline was: on the bed, the floor, the toothpaste, and of course, all over me and my jammies. I got a towel and we wiped it up.
At dinner time I set the table myself. I also put my plate in the sink when I'm done. I like to be helpful. When my mama cooks dinner I read books or play with blocks in the living room. Sometimes I bring my book into the kitchen and read out loud to my mama. I also like to stand on a chair next to her and chop things with my knife. And I really like to taste sauce my mama makes off a little spoon. When she uses the mixer, I ask, "Franklin nick it?" That means I want to lick it. I love to lick the mixer when it's done.
My favourite shirt is my motorbike shirt. I call it "motomike."
Friday, September 28, 2012
Thirty months three weeks
Hello world!
This week my best words are "empty," "finished," "sniff," and "sunshine." When I go places with my mama, I tell her everything I see and hear. I tell her about men, ladies, babies, dogs, cars, helicopters, trees, flowers, ducks, and more. I saw a lady wearing lipstick, and I told my mama, "lady mouth." Sometimes I get to choose the path to take, and I point and say, "this way."
It's so funny to chase chickens or throw my ball to them. I'm not supposed to, though.
I got upset when we were walking because my mama told me I had to walk on the path, not the grass. The next morning at breakfast, I said, "no walk grass. Dog poo on grass." We talked about where to walk, and I said, "walking, Frankling crying. All done Franklin cry." I know to walk on the path now.
Some of the things I can do myself now: put away my toys and books, get dressed and undressed (mostly), put my shoes on, put my plate and fork in the sink, and hang up my bib.
One of my favourite songs is "How Much Is that Doggy in the Window;" I call it the doggy song. My mama sings it and I sing "woof-woof!" in all the right parts.
This week my best words are "empty," "finished," "sniff," and "sunshine." When I go places with my mama, I tell her everything I see and hear. I tell her about men, ladies, babies, dogs, cars, helicopters, trees, flowers, ducks, and more. I saw a lady wearing lipstick, and I told my mama, "lady mouth." Sometimes I get to choose the path to take, and I point and say, "this way."

I got upset when we were walking because my mama told me I had to walk on the path, not the grass. The next morning at breakfast, I said, "no walk grass. Dog poo on grass." We talked about where to walk, and I said, "walking, Frankling crying. All done Franklin cry." I know to walk on the path now.
Some of the things I can do myself now: put away my toys and books, get dressed and undressed (mostly), put my shoes on, put my plate and fork in the sink, and hang up my bib.
One of my favourite songs is "How Much Is that Doggy in the Window;" I call it the doggy song. My mama sings it and I sing "woof-woof!" in all the right parts.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Thirty months two weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "penguin," "towel," "cucumber," "squirrel," and "avocado." I call avocado, "cado," though.
I sort of mostly stay in my room at bedtime now. I usually don't get up more than one time. Sometimes I don't even get up one time. It's because I'm a big boy. In the morning I get up early to pee and then go back to sleep.
In the morning I remind my mama after breakfast, "walkie doggy." When we pass by the hedge, I tell her, "ladybirds sleeping." I remember the ladybirds there from spring. Also I remind my mama, "find apple for Franklin." I like to pick apples off the tree in the park. I eat them all, even if they're sour.
I wanted to play with my mama's computer, but she took it away. I was so upset! I laid down on the floor and yelled and yelled. After a minute, I stopped and told my mama, "all done Franklin sad."
My best words this week are "penguin," "towel," "cucumber," "squirrel," and "avocado." I call avocado, "cado," though.
I sort of mostly stay in my room at bedtime now. I usually don't get up more than one time. Sometimes I don't even get up one time. It's because I'm a big boy. In the morning I get up early to pee and then go back to sleep.
In the morning I remind my mama after breakfast, "walkie doggy." When we pass by the hedge, I tell her, "ladybirds sleeping." I remember the ladybirds there from spring. Also I remind my mama, "find apple for Franklin." I like to pick apples off the tree in the park. I eat them all, even if they're sour.
I wanted to play with my mama's computer, but she took it away. I was so upset! I laid down on the floor and yelled and yelled. After a minute, I stopped and told my mama, "all done Franklin sad."
Friday, September 14, 2012
Thirty months one week
Hello world!
This week my best words are "jumper," "melon," "shirt," "hungry," and "glass." I ran on the path ahead of my mama and then I yelled, "look! bunny!" My mama said it was a dead bunny. I said, "dead bunny sleeping."
I have a book for drawing in. I trace the pictures with my finger, and I drew all over it. I like to read and count all the things in it. I count the kittens, balls, balloons, and horses. I'm pretty good at counting to 13, but I sometimes get them mixed up.
When someone answers the phone, I want to talk too. I say, "Franklin talk phone. Talk gramma, talk daddy." My mama holds the phone to my ear so I can hear, but usually it just hums, not talks. I talk to my gramma on the computer, though. I read her my book on the computer. I showed her my toys, too. I like to talk to her every week.
Every morning when I wake up, I'm on the floor next to my bed. I don't know how it happens.
This week my best words are "jumper," "melon," "shirt," "hungry," and "glass." I ran on the path ahead of my mama and then I yelled, "look! bunny!" My mama said it was a dead bunny. I said, "dead bunny sleeping."

When someone answers the phone, I want to talk too. I say, "Franklin talk phone. Talk gramma, talk daddy." My mama holds the phone to my ear so I can hear, but usually it just hums, not talks. I talk to my gramma on the computer, though. I read her my book on the computer. I showed her my toys, too. I like to talk to her every week.
Every morning when I wake up, I'm on the floor next to my bed. I don't know how it happens.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Twenty nine months five weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "backwards," "careful," "mayonnaise," and "wipe." After I used the potty, I told my mama, "two big poos! All poo off bum."
I got to paint again. My mama took the painting we made last year and we painted over it. I love painting. It looks so beautiful.
One of my favourite things to play is cars. I get them out and drive them around the floor and furniture. I even drove one over the dog's back and tail. It was just a tiny car.
On our walk I said, "get Franklin apple." I know where the apple tree is in the park. When my mama picked me one, I said, "red, green apple." I know lots of colours. I know white, black, red, blue, and green. I point out the colours of the cars we walk by, and about the people we see. I tell her about kids, men, ladies, babies, and what they're wearing, holding, or doing, like: "two men talking," or "lady red shirt, baby, walk doggy."
My best words this week are "backwards," "careful," "mayonnaise," and "wipe." After I used the potty, I told my mama, "two big poos! All poo off bum."

One of my favourite things to play is cars. I get them out and drive them around the floor and furniture. I even drove one over the dog's back and tail. It was just a tiny car.
On our walk I said, "get Franklin apple." I know where the apple tree is in the park. When my mama picked me one, I said, "red, green apple." I know lots of colours. I know white, black, red, blue, and green. I point out the colours of the cars we walk by, and about the people we see. I tell her about kids, men, ladies, babies, and what they're wearing, holding, or doing, like: "two men talking," or "lady red shirt, baby, walk doggy."
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Twenty nine months four weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "tortoise," "lettuce," "sad," and "yoga." I watched my mama do yoga with a video. When I want to see it again, I say, "watch lady, man, yoga." My mama bends over and sticks her leg up. I kind of do it too.
I like to splash in puddles, but I ask permission first. My mama says some puddles are just mud, so I don't step in those.
My favourite jammies are the ones my mama made from my dad's shirts. I call them jackets and I can do the buttons myself. I want to wear them every night. My next favourite are either Buzz Lightyear or Thomas the Tank Engine. They both have zips and go all the way over my feet.
When I wake up in the morning I still sometimes remember to pee in the potty, but sometimes not. Then I get into bed with my mama. I really like to lay my head on her arm and snuggle up so she can put her other arm around me. It's so comfy. Then when I'm ready to get up, I tell her, "mummy wake! mummy glasses! all done mummy sleep!"
My best words this week are "tortoise," "lettuce," "sad," and "yoga." I watched my mama do yoga with a video. When I want to see it again, I say, "watch lady, man, yoga." My mama bends over and sticks her leg up. I kind of do it too.
I like to splash in puddles, but I ask permission first. My mama says some puddles are just mud, so I don't step in those.
My favourite jammies are the ones my mama made from my dad's shirts. I call them jackets and I can do the buttons myself. I want to wear them every night. My next favourite are either Buzz Lightyear or Thomas the Tank Engine. They both have zips and go all the way over my feet.
When I wake up in the morning I still sometimes remember to pee in the potty, but sometimes not. Then I get into bed with my mama. I really like to lay my head on her arm and snuggle up so she can put her other arm around me. It's so comfy. Then when I'm ready to get up, I tell her, "mummy wake! mummy glasses! all done mummy sleep!"
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Twenty nine months three weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "vacuum," "green," "mushroom," "pasta," and "scooter." I told my mama that "milkies is juicy." I also told my mama, "bang head football" but she didn't know what I meant. She said, show me. So I hit my head with my hand then picked up the football.
Last week I found out my foreskin retracts. I ran in to show my mama, saying, "look, look! funny!" We both thought it was funny.
My dad makes me plasticine race cars. My mama makes sheep. I can sort of make snakes. I also like tiny plasticine shoes and phones. I took some plasticine and broke it into little bits and stuck them on the wall. It looks beautiful. My mama thinks so too; she said it looks like spitballs.
My best words this week are "vacuum," "green," "mushroom," "pasta," and "scooter." I told my mama that "milkies is juicy." I also told my mama, "bang head football" but she didn't know what I meant. She said, show me. So I hit my head with my hand then picked up the football.
Last week I found out my foreskin retracts. I ran in to show my mama, saying, "look, look! funny!" We both thought it was funny.
My dad makes me plasticine race cars. My mama makes sheep. I can sort of make snakes. I also like tiny plasticine shoes and phones. I took some plasticine and broke it into little bits and stuck them on the wall. It looks beautiful. My mama thinks so too; she said it looks like spitballs.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Twenty nine months two weeks
Hello world!
This week my best words are "butterfly," "dragonfly," "bubbles," "see," "needle," and "juicy." When we were walking on the street, I told my mama, "see more bus. See more double decker." I really like buses, especially double deckers. I also told her later, "watch Pooh bear." My dad watched Pooh and Tigger with me two weeks ago and I want to watch them again.
I really like singing, and I make up my own songs, but I also like to hear my favourite songs. I sometimes tell my mama, "sing Arthur song" or "sing Sheep song." The Sheep song is Shaun the Sheep. I like him a lot.
On our walk, I hold my mama's hand when we cross the street. But after we cross, I ask, "run?" and if my mama says yes, I run off yelling things like, "oh-we-oh-we-oh!" and "ruh-ruh-ruh!" Then I stop and wait for my mama at the street. There's some places where I can walk on top of a wall, or poke my fingers into knot holes in fences, or squeeze behind posts. I know all the best places.
This week my best words are "butterfly," "dragonfly," "bubbles," "see," "needle," and "juicy." When we were walking on the street, I told my mama, "see more bus. See more double decker." I really like buses, especially double deckers. I also told her later, "watch Pooh bear." My dad watched Pooh and Tigger with me two weeks ago and I want to watch them again.
I really like singing, and I make up my own songs, but I also like to hear my favourite songs. I sometimes tell my mama, "sing Arthur song" or "sing Sheep song." The Sheep song is Shaun the Sheep. I like him a lot.
On our walk, I hold my mama's hand when we cross the street. But after we cross, I ask, "run?" and if my mama says yes, I run off yelling things like, "oh-we-oh-we-oh!" and "ruh-ruh-ruh!" Then I stop and wait for my mama at the street. There's some places where I can walk on top of a wall, or poke my fingers into knot holes in fences, or squeeze behind posts. I know all the best places.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Twenty nine months one week
Hello world!
My best words this week are "cream," "bunny," "lady," "shave," and "light." When I jump off my car I say, "ready....GO!" Usually when I talk about myself, I say Franklin, like "Franklin's chair" but today I told my mama, "hot. Me hot."
I really like to eat berries. I like strawberries, raspberries, blackberries. I call them all cherries. I told my mama I wanted "juicy cherries. Black." That means blackberries. I like them even if they're sour. I say, "more sour, please!"
I'm good at getting dressed by myself. I can put my undies on, then my shorts. I can sort of put my shirt on, if someone helps me. I don't need help for shoes, though. I have shoes with monkeys on them. They're monkey shoes. Then when it's time to get undressed, I say, "take 'em off" and I can take them all off, even shirt.
I have a Tigger toy. He's just little, and I like to hold him. I tuck him under my arm and say, "hug Tigger." Sometimes I kiss him too. Then I like to put him back on the shelf.
My best words this week are "cream," "bunny," "lady," "shave," and "light." When I jump off my car I say, "ready....GO!" Usually when I talk about myself, I say Franklin, like "Franklin's chair" but today I told my mama, "hot. Me hot."
I really like to eat berries. I like strawberries, raspberries, blackberries. I call them all cherries. I told my mama I wanted "juicy cherries. Black." That means blackberries. I like them even if they're sour. I say, "more sour, please!"
I'm good at getting dressed by myself. I can put my undies on, then my shorts. I can sort of put my shirt on, if someone helps me. I don't need help for shoes, though. I have shoes with monkeys on them. They're monkey shoes. Then when it's time to get undressed, I say, "take 'em off" and I can take them all off, even shirt.
I have a Tigger toy. He's just little, and I like to hold him. I tuck him under my arm and say, "hug Tigger." Sometimes I kiss him too. Then I like to put him back on the shelf.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Twenty eight months four weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "crocodile," "elephant," "phone," "nice," and "computer." Our dog got lost again and I said to my mama, "find dog." My mama said, where is she? I said, "don't know" and I shrugged my shoulders.
My mama found raspberries on our walk. I love to pick them and eat them. Then I got stung by a nettle and my mama showed me a leaf to make it feel better. I rubbed it on the sting. I rubbed it on my mama's sting too.
I still like to get up from bed at bedtime, but only for a little while now. I really like to get up and see my dad before he goes to work, though. My dad was home one morning and I was so happy I got to get in bed with him and my mama and get a big snuggle and back rub. I told him, "hug! back!" He put his arm around me and then rubbed my back.
My best words this week are "crocodile," "elephant," "phone," "nice," and "computer." Our dog got lost again and I said to my mama, "find dog." My mama said, where is she? I said, "don't know" and I shrugged my shoulders.
My mama found raspberries on our walk. I love to pick them and eat them. Then I got stung by a nettle and my mama showed me a leaf to make it feel better. I rubbed it on the sting. I rubbed it on my mama's sting too.
I still like to get up from bed at bedtime, but only for a little while now. I really like to get up and see my dad before he goes to work, though. My dad was home one morning and I was so happy I got to get in bed with him and my mama and get a big snuggle and back rub. I told him, "hug! back!" He put his arm around me and then rubbed my back.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Twenty eight months three weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "home," "too," "coot," "muffin," and "mud." Coots are like ducks, but black. I watch them swimming; I really like the babies. I say, "baby coots."
There weren't very many puddles on my walk today. I just splashed in one, but it was full of mud; I yelled, "Franklin muddy feet! Franklin muddy shoes!" My mama had to help me out because I was stuck in the mud. Then on the way home, I sang a song that went like this:
I like to play a trick on my mama when I go in the chicken fence. I open their house and say, "Eggs!" even when there's no eggs. When there are eggs, I get to carry one to the house, and then someone puts it in the fridge.
When I get tired before my nap, I ask my mama to carry me upstairs like a baby. She carries me and says, you were such a cute baby. I like to pretend to be a baby while I get carried upstairs. Then when I'm in my room, I just lay down and go to sleep. Naptime is the best.
A few days ago I woke up in the morning and went poo in my potty by myself. Then I just left my jammies off and got in mama's bed while she was asleep. When she woke up I had to help her change the sheet.
My best words this week are "home," "too," "coot," "muffin," and "mud." Coots are like ducks, but black. I watch them swimming; I really like the babies. I say, "baby coots."
There weren't very many puddles on my walk today. I just splashed in one, but it was full of mud; I yelled, "Franklin muddy feet! Franklin muddy shoes!" My mama had to help me out because I was stuck in the mud. Then on the way home, I sang a song that went like this:
"Muddy, muddy muddy.
Franklin muddy muddy."

When I get tired before my nap, I ask my mama to carry me upstairs like a baby. She carries me and says, you were such a cute baby. I like to pretend to be a baby while I get carried upstairs. Then when I'm in my room, I just lay down and go to sleep. Naptime is the best.
A few days ago I woke up in the morning and went poo in my potty by myself. Then I just left my jammies off and got in mama's bed while she was asleep. When she woke up I had to help her change the sheet.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Twenty eight months two weeks
Hello world!
This week my best words are "big," "funny," "stop," "bubbles," and "chocolate." When I ask for something my mama says, what do you say? Then I say "pleasethankyou" really fast.
My mama plays piano and sings. My dad does it too. So do I. I can sit on the seat and play and sing all by myself. I make up my own songs.
My push cart broke when I slammed it against the floor. My little car did too; its wheels came off when I pulled them hard. But I'm not worried. My dad can fix it. I saw a broken fence when we were walking and I told my mama, "broke. Dad fix it." My dad can fix anything.
I pretended to go to sleep on the rug downstairs. I said, "sleepy" and then I laid down and sucked my fingers. Then I said, "kiss!" because you have to have a kiss before you go to bed. My mama gave me a kiss. Then I told her, "no shoes on bed" and I took my shoes off. It was fun. Then I said, "blanket too" and got the blanket out of the laundry basket to cover me.
This week my best words are "big," "funny," "stop," "bubbles," and "chocolate." When I ask for something my mama says, what do you say? Then I say "pleasethankyou" really fast.
My mama plays piano and sings. My dad does it too. So do I. I can sit on the seat and play and sing all by myself. I make up my own songs.
My push cart broke when I slammed it against the floor. My little car did too; its wheels came off when I pulled them hard. But I'm not worried. My dad can fix it. I saw a broken fence when we were walking and I told my mama, "broke. Dad fix it." My dad can fix anything.
I pretended to go to sleep on the rug downstairs. I said, "sleepy" and then I laid down and sucked my fingers. Then I said, "kiss!" because you have to have a kiss before you go to bed. My mama gave me a kiss. Then I told her, "no shoes on bed" and I took my shoes off. It was fun. Then I said, "blanket too" and got the blanket out of the laundry basket to cover me.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Twenty eight months one week
Hello world!
My best words this week are "screw," "hubcap," "chicken," "dry," and "wet." Chicken sounds like kitten, but when I mean kitten, I say "kitty."
I went to a farm to pick strawberries. It was really muddy and I kept telling my mama, "wash strawberry" so I could eat them. Then we saw some donkeys, goats, and ducks. The donkeys followed right behind us; I liked them. When I see ducks jumping in the pond, I say, "splash!"
I showed my dad the broken mixer; I said, "uh-oh." He said, did you break it? I said no. He said, are you sure you didn't break it? I said no. He said, did mummy break it? I told him, "mummy broke." It was really me, though. I knocked it off when I opened the microwave door.
I can fit inside the dryer. I can also fit inside the cupboard but I'm not allowed. My mama tells me, no shoes on the furniture. I take off my shoes before I jump on the bed or the chair.
I sit at the table now, on my own chair, just like grown ups. I'm really good at it. I know how to use a knife and fork and I don't spill very much. Also my mama lets me chop up things with my knife when she chops up things. I'm not allowed to touch my mama's knife though. Today she made a sandwich for us and I said, "Franklin chop cheese." I got to chop it then eat it.
My best words this week are "screw," "hubcap," "chicken," "dry," and "wet." Chicken sounds like kitten, but when I mean kitten, I say "kitty."
I went to a farm to pick strawberries. It was really muddy and I kept telling my mama, "wash strawberry" so I could eat them. Then we saw some donkeys, goats, and ducks. The donkeys followed right behind us; I liked them. When I see ducks jumping in the pond, I say, "splash!"
I showed my dad the broken mixer; I said, "uh-oh." He said, did you break it? I said no. He said, are you sure you didn't break it? I said no. He said, did mummy break it? I told him, "mummy broke." It was really me, though. I knocked it off when I opened the microwave door.
I can fit inside the dryer. I can also fit inside the cupboard but I'm not allowed. My mama tells me, no shoes on the furniture. I take off my shoes before I jump on the bed or the chair.
I sit at the table now, on my own chair, just like grown ups. I'm really good at it. I know how to use a knife and fork and I don't spill very much. Also my mama lets me chop up things with my knife when she chops up things. I'm not allowed to touch my mama's knife though. Today she made a sandwich for us and I said, "Franklin chop cheese." I got to chop it then eat it.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Twenty seven months four weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "undies," "trousers," "street," and "bracelet."
Me and my mama found some cherries on trees when we were walking. I picked some and my mama picked some. I kept pointing to the ones I couldn't reach, saying "more cherries, please!" I eat them whole, and just swallow the seed. I don't eat the stem though.
Peas and carrots are really tasty. They grow in our garden and I eat them. Our chickens like cabbage but I don't like it much. If my dinner has leaves in it, I like to pick them out.
One of my wheels was outside in the morning. I picked it up and then I dropped it and shouted, "worms!" My mama said it had slugs on it. She let our chickens eat them. Then the next day I opened up the chicken house and there was a bunch of earwigs there. I yelled, "slugs!" We brushed them off with a stick and the chickens ate them too.
I told my mama I needed to pee and so we started to go upstairs. Then I stopped and said, "no mama." She said, do you want wee wee? I said, "wee wee. No mama." She said, you want to wee wee by yourself? I said, "okay" then I went upstairs and did it all by myself while my mama stayed downstairs. I even poo by myself and then go find someone to wipe me. Sometimes I don't even tell anyone. I just go to the potty.
My best words this week are "undies," "trousers," "street," and "bracelet."
Me and my mama found some cherries on trees when we were walking. I picked some and my mama picked some. I kept pointing to the ones I couldn't reach, saying "more cherries, please!" I eat them whole, and just swallow the seed. I don't eat the stem though.
Peas and carrots are really tasty. They grow in our garden and I eat them. Our chickens like cabbage but I don't like it much. If my dinner has leaves in it, I like to pick them out.

I told my mama I needed to pee and so we started to go upstairs. Then I stopped and said, "no mama." She said, do you want wee wee? I said, "wee wee. No mama." She said, you want to wee wee by yourself? I said, "okay" then I went upstairs and did it all by myself while my mama stayed downstairs. I even poo by myself and then go find someone to wipe me. Sometimes I don't even tell anyone. I just go to the potty.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Twenty seven months three weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "knee," "raining," "kitty," and "carrot." I'm really good at counting two and three. When I see two things, I say so, like "two bus!" Three things, too.
My mama took me and our doggy on a walk, but then it started raining. We ran over to some trees: cherry trees! I ate tons of cherries in the rain. I eat the whole thing and just swallow the seed. I just spit out the stem.
I washed the dishes while my mama made dinner. I stood on my chair next to the sink and got the cloth and wiped them all really well. My mama wouldn't let me wash the knife, though. Then when I finished, we got a big towel and wiped the floor.
I'm better at staying in my room at night now. I used to get up lots, but now I just get up once or twice, usually. Sometimes my mama puts a gate in front of my door so I can't get out, but I don't mind much. I also hardly ever wet my bed. Wet bed is yucky.
I helped my mama pull up carrots from the vegetable bed. We washed them off and then I ate three. They're really yummy. I also helped plant more seeds. We used a big fork and a big sieve. I got to put them both away in the garage.
I really like to run around and kick a ball. I tell my dad "football!" and we play together. We kick it to each other and score goals. My football is kind of flat, but it's really fun to kick and chase anyway.
At the library, I looked at books. Then I saw a man go into the bathroom. I said, "wee-wee!" When he came out I said, "all done wee-wee! Man wee-wee!"
My best words this week are "knee," "raining," "kitty," and "carrot." I'm really good at counting two and three. When I see two things, I say so, like "two bus!" Three things, too.
My mama took me and our doggy on a walk, but then it started raining. We ran over to some trees: cherry trees! I ate tons of cherries in the rain. I eat the whole thing and just swallow the seed. I just spit out the stem.
I washed the dishes while my mama made dinner. I stood on my chair next to the sink and got the cloth and wiped them all really well. My mama wouldn't let me wash the knife, though. Then when I finished, we got a big towel and wiped the floor.
I'm better at staying in my room at night now. I used to get up lots, but now I just get up once or twice, usually. Sometimes my mama puts a gate in front of my door so I can't get out, but I don't mind much. I also hardly ever wet my bed. Wet bed is yucky.
I helped my mama pull up carrots from the vegetable bed. We washed them off and then I ate three. They're really yummy. I also helped plant more seeds. We used a big fork and a big sieve. I got to put them both away in the garage.
I really like to run around and kick a ball. I tell my dad "football!" and we play together. We kick it to each other and score goals. My football is kind of flat, but it's really fun to kick and chase anyway.
At the library, I looked at books. Then I saw a man go into the bathroom. I said, "wee-wee!" When he came out I said, "all done wee-wee! Man wee-wee!"
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Twenty seven months two weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "in," "shut," "hug," and "back." When I dropped my penny and couldn't find it, I said, "Where money go?" When I see something I don't know or don't remember, I ask my mama to say the word. Then I say it.
I have a chair my size; I use it like a stepladder. If I need to reach something in the kitchen, I bring my chair in and stand on it. Then I can reach the counters. I can reach all sorts of things. Nobody showed me; I worked it out myself.
I lifted up the chicken fence so the chickens could get out. I told my mama, "bok-bok out" and she picked them up and put them in. It was so funny I did it again. Now there's a brick in the way and I can't lift it up.
I also worked out how to draw on the walls all by myself. I made a big drawing and I want to draw more. My mama says I'm not allowed, but I think I might anyway.
My best words this week are "in," "shut," "hug," and "back." When I dropped my penny and couldn't find it, I said, "Where money go?" When I see something I don't know or don't remember, I ask my mama to say the word. Then I say it.

I lifted up the chicken fence so the chickens could get out. I told my mama, "bok-bok out" and she picked them up and put them in. It was so funny I did it again. Now there's a brick in the way and I can't lift it up.
I also worked out how to draw on the walls all by myself. I made a big drawing and I want to draw more. My mama says I'm not allowed, but I think I might anyway.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Twenty seven months one week
Hello world!
My best words this week are "hand," "stuck," "chair," "wash," and "sit." Sit sounds like seat but they mean the same thing. I said to my mama, "mama sit daddy seat." I meant she should sit in her chair, not dad's chair. I also tell the doggy to sit. I think she doesn't hear me very well, though.
Today I helped my mama pull weeds in the front. She moved the gate on the driveway, then I moved it some more. I even closed it; I never knew it could close! I got to play on the pavement outside and scuff up the gravel next door. I also got to play with the trailer at our neighbour's house. I think I want to play out front all the time.
I also got to play with our chickens for a whole hour today. I asked my mama, "Bok-bok in, please." So she let me go in their fence. Then she dug weeds while I got to follow the chickens and talk to them. I love our chickens.
I'm really good at saying "please" and "thank you." I almost always say please when I ask for something, like "up, please" or "more, please." Then when I give something to someone I say, "thank you."
Once my dad dropped something and yelled a word. I yelled it too. I liked it so much I yelled it all the time. Sometimes I still yell it: "bugga bugga bugga!"
My best words this week are "hand," "stuck," "chair," "wash," and "sit." Sit sounds like seat but they mean the same thing. I said to my mama, "mama sit daddy seat." I meant she should sit in her chair, not dad's chair. I also tell the doggy to sit. I think she doesn't hear me very well, though.

I also got to play with our chickens for a whole hour today. I asked my mama, "Bok-bok in, please." So she let me go in their fence. Then she dug weeds while I got to follow the chickens and talk to them. I love our chickens.
I'm really good at saying "please" and "thank you." I almost always say please when I ask for something, like "up, please" or "more, please." Then when I give something to someone I say, "thank you."
Once my dad dropped something and yelled a word. I yelled it too. I liked it so much I yelled it all the time. Sometimes I still yell it: "bugga bugga bugga!"
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Twenty six months five weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "wheel," "ketchup," "outside," and "kiss."
When it's bedtime I still like to get out of bed, open the door, and find my parents. I can do it for a whole hour. Maybe I'll never stop next time; it's so much fun. Sometimes I do it at naptime too.
I love smoothies. I eat them with a spoon and then drink them. They're the best. I also like ham, raisins, bananas, carrots, and cheese; and every day I want to eat crackers. I just love crackers.
I went with my mama and we got our tire changed at the garage. There was a mechanic with a loud drill that took it off and put on a new one. I really liked it a lot; now, I fix the tire on my cars too. I fix it on my big car that I drive, and on my little cars inside. Today I saw a man changing his tire and I said, "Wheel! Fix it!" and I pointed and made a circle with my finger.
My best words this week are "wheel," "ketchup," "outside," and "kiss."
When it's bedtime I still like to get out of bed, open the door, and find my parents. I can do it for a whole hour. Maybe I'll never stop next time; it's so much fun. Sometimes I do it at naptime too.
I love smoothies. I eat them with a spoon and then drink them. They're the best. I also like ham, raisins, bananas, carrots, and cheese; and every day I want to eat crackers. I just love crackers.
I went with my mama and we got our tire changed at the garage. There was a mechanic with a loud drill that took it off and put on a new one. I really liked it a lot; now, I fix the tire on my cars too. I fix it on my big car that I drive, and on my little cars inside. Today I saw a man changing his tire and I said, "Wheel! Fix it!" and I pointed and made a circle with my finger.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Twenty six months four weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "bucket," "dump truck," "horse," and "sheep." I really like to watch Arthur on my dad's computer. I call him "Saucer."
Okay means yes. When my mama asks do you want a cracker, I say okay. When she asks do you have a cracker in your pocket, I say okay. When we're ready to go, she says okay and I say Ooooh Kaaay! It's a great word; I say it all the time.
When I get too tired to walk, I ask my mama for a ride. She tells me to hang on, monkey. So I make monkey noises and hang on. I ride on her back and it's fun. But if something exciting happens, I wriggle down so I can be part of it.
When Izanah went away, I told my mama, "Bye bye Nana. All gone Nana. Nana go home." I asked my mama where she went: "Nana is?" I wanted her to stay with us forever.
My best words this week are "bucket," "dump truck," "horse," and "sheep." I really like to watch Arthur on my dad's computer. I call him "Saucer."
Okay means yes. When my mama asks do you want a cracker, I say okay. When she asks do you have a cracker in your pocket, I say okay. When we're ready to go, she says okay and I say Ooooh Kaaay! It's a great word; I say it all the time.
When I get too tired to walk, I ask my mama for a ride. She tells me to hang on, monkey. So I make monkey noises and hang on. I ride on her back and it's fun. But if something exciting happens, I wriggle down so I can be part of it.
When Izanah went away, I told my mama, "Bye bye Nana. All gone Nana. Nana go home." I asked my mama where she went: "Nana is?" I wanted her to stay with us forever.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Twenty six months three weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "violin," "grape," "book," and "biscuit."
I love our chickens. When my dad goes in their fence, I go too. I find their eggs and take them to the kitchen.
I got to go see my grandad and nana in London. I stayed with my grandad for one whole day while everyone else went away. I was sad for the first few minutes because I wanted to go too; then I had too much fun to be sad: they have a bike my size, and my nana made really yummy dinner. I like staying there; I get to sleep on a big bed with my mama.
I went to the beach! There was sand, water, and lots of kids. My mama, dad, and Izanah built me sandcastles so I could knock them down. They built a really tall one and I climbed up and flattened it--so fun! Also, my mama and Zanah held my hands and we ran across the water and splashed all over. Then we stopped and looked at tiny crabs and fish and shells.
Afterwards, we had ice cream and fish and chips and I had a long sleep in the car. When I got home, my shoes were full of sand.
My best words this week are "violin," "grape," "book," and "biscuit."
I love our chickens. When my dad goes in their fence, I go too. I find their eggs and take them to the kitchen.
I got to go see my grandad and nana in London. I stayed with my grandad for one whole day while everyone else went away. I was sad for the first few minutes because I wanted to go too; then I had too much fun to be sad: they have a bike my size, and my nana made really yummy dinner. I like staying there; I get to sleep on a big bed with my mama.
I went to the beach! There was sand, water, and lots of kids. My mama, dad, and Izanah built me sandcastles so I could knock them down. They built a really tall one and I climbed up and flattened it--so fun! Also, my mama and Zanah held my hands and we ran across the water and splashed all over. Then we stopped and looked at tiny crabs and fish and shells.
Afterwards, we had ice cream and fish and chips and I had a long sleep in the car. When I got home, my shoes were full of sand.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Twenty six months two weeks

My best words this week are "seeds," "okay," "bicycle," and "sleep." When we were walking, I showed my mama, "two doggies!"
My new best friend is Izanah. She's my aunt and I call her "Sasana" or just "Nana" for short. I want her to read me books and play with me and hold my hand. I especially like it when I accidently kick off my shoe--Izanah is the only person who can put it back on just right. When she went upstairs I asked my mama, "Where Sasana?" and then my mama said she went upstairs. I said, "Sasana wee-wee." Then my mama said, "She's asleep." I said, "shhhh."
We have chickens in our garden! They live in a little house I helped my dad build. I call them "bok-boks" and they're fun to touch and feed and watch. I open their door in the morning so they can come out.
I can walk down the stairs by myself now. I don't need help but sometimes it's nice.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Twenty six months one week
Hello world!
My best words this week are "tape," "hat," "two," and "broccoli." When we went on our walk with the dog, I told my mama, "baby ducks, mama ducks." We walked to the pond and I saw them; I like them. Then when we walked home I said to my mama, "Franklin step, doggy step." We stepped up the curb.
I still love splashing. Sometimes I'm not supposed to splash, but sometimes it's allowed. Today I splashed so much my toes were wrinkly when we took my socks off!
When it's time to sleep I sometimes get out of bed and play for a little while. Then when I'm really sleepy I climb back in by myself. I have to stay in my room though, and keep the door closed.

I still love splashing. Sometimes I'm not supposed to splash, but sometimes it's allowed. Today I splashed so much my toes were wrinkly when we took my socks off!
When it's time to sleep I sometimes get out of bed and play for a little while. Then when I'm really sleepy I climb back in by myself. I have to stay in my room though, and keep the door closed.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Twenty five months four weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "button," "vest," "cute," and "money." I like to run around the house and garden shouting "NO NO NO! NO NO NO!" I also sometimes count the stepping stones outside like this: "mama, daddy, mama, daddy, mama, daddy...mama!"
My dad took the rail off my bed. I don't have to climb out any more. I just roll out. One time I rolled out and got really upset and yelled until my dad came and saved me. The other time I didn't even really wake up. My mama just came and helped me back in bed. When I wake up and get out of bed, I go over and knock on my door and shout. Then someone lets me out. Maybe I'll open the door myself someday.
I help my mama make sandwiches. I get out the bread, then the peanut butter, then the jam. I put them all away too. I like to take my sandwiches apart to eat.
Our neighbour was mowing the lawn. I asked my mama to pick me up so I could watch over the fence. It was really cool. My dad mowed our lawn too. I watched him, but I wanted my mama to hold me then, too--just in case.
My best words this week are "button," "vest," "cute," and "money." I like to run around the house and garden shouting "NO NO NO! NO NO NO!" I also sometimes count the stepping stones outside like this: "mama, daddy, mama, daddy, mama, daddy...mama!"

I help my mama make sandwiches. I get out the bread, then the peanut butter, then the jam. I put them all away too. I like to take my sandwiches apart to eat.
Our neighbour was mowing the lawn. I asked my mama to pick me up so I could watch over the fence. It was really cool. My dad mowed our lawn too. I watched him, but I wanted my mama to hold me then, too--just in case.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Twenty five months three weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "olive," "truck," "star," and "jacket."
I set the table at dinner time. I put forks and knives and spoons on the table for everyone. I also like to clear the table; I can reach the sink so I can put my own fork and plate in it. I sometimes find my dad's mug and put that in the sink. It goes crash!
A couple of times I woke up in the morning and shouted that I needed to pee, and my mama got me up so I didn't even wet my bed. This morning I climbed to the top rail of my bed and my mama caught me before I rolled off. It was really fun to climb up there.
I have a book from the library about "twinkle twinkle." My mama and dad started singing the song so I ran and got the book out of the library bag.
My best words this week are "olive," "truck," "star," and "jacket."
I set the table at dinner time. I put forks and knives and spoons on the table for everyone. I also like to clear the table; I can reach the sink so I can put my own fork and plate in it. I sometimes find my dad's mug and put that in the sink. It goes crash!

I have a book from the library about "twinkle twinkle." My mama and dad started singing the song so I ran and got the book out of the library bag.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Twenty five months two weeks
Hello world!
My best words this week are "tree," "clock," "black," and "pocket."
This week it's rained a lot and I get to play inside. I played with the salt shaker and shook out all the salt and drew pretty patterns in it. Then I played in my dad's guitar bag and knotted up all the cables together. I also played in the kitchen cupboards and took all the lids off the sauces. It's a lot of fun to play indoors!
I tried on a new pair of jammies and I took them off so I was nakey. Then I told my mama I needed to pee; she told me to get the potty so I went into the bathroom and sat down on it. I sat down all by myself and did a poo. I didn't need any help--except to wipe. I also almost always remember to hold it when I wake up from my nap. Most days I wear the same undies all day without getting wet.
I really like giving kisses and hugs to my mama and daddy. I kiss and hug my toys too.
I got a chocolate gorilla. I get to eat a piece every day. I also have a stuffed gorilla named Ernie. I pretended Ernie was made of chocolate and I pretended to eat a piece of him. No one showed me how; I made it up by myself.
My best words this week are "tree," "clock," "black," and "pocket."
This week it's rained a lot and I get to play inside. I played with the salt shaker and shook out all the salt and drew pretty patterns in it. Then I played in my dad's guitar bag and knotted up all the cables together. I also played in the kitchen cupboards and took all the lids off the sauces. It's a lot of fun to play indoors!
I tried on a new pair of jammies and I took them off so I was nakey. Then I told my mama I needed to pee; she told me to get the potty so I went into the bathroom and sat down on it. I sat down all by myself and did a poo. I didn't need any help--except to wipe. I also almost always remember to hold it when I wake up from my nap. Most days I wear the same undies all day without getting wet.

I got a chocolate gorilla. I get to eat a piece every day. I also have a stuffed gorilla named Ernie. I pretended Ernie was made of chocolate and I pretended to eat a piece of him. No one showed me how; I made it up by myself.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Twenty five months one week

My best words this week are "worm," "honey," "bin," and "fork." I also say my own name really well: "FFFFFFFangin."
My dad made dinner one night and he did the best carrots ever. I ate all mine, most of my dad's and even some of my mama's. I liked the carrots even better than the potatoes and meat. Usually I like the meat the best, then the potatoes, and then the carrots last.
I'm not supposed to eat snacks before dinner because then I'm picky. When I don't have snacks first, I eat everything on my plate. Sometimes I ask my mama for a cracker but she says I have to wait till after I eat dinner. Before I eat, I get to have my cool bib on. I have one called Rainbow and one called Smiley. I like Smiley best but Rainbow's really good too.
I went to the garden centre and there was a steam museum too. I saw lots of machines going back and forth and round and round, saying "pffff." I like machines, especially noisy machines. I also like garden centres because there's lots of things to see and places to walk around. I even saw some big fish swimming there.
I love to help my mama garden. I especially like the digging. I need my own shovel so I can dig too. Otherwise I use my mama's when she puts it down; it's taller than me but that doesn't stop me!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Twenty four months four weeks

My best words this week are "broom," "balloon," and "blocks." I like to play with all of them.
I went to the library for story time with my mama and I made an Easter card too. I glued lots of paper together; it looks great. I even drew a message on the inside. After story time and glueing time, we did singing time. We sang "The Grand Old Duke of York" and marched all around the library.
I know even more animal noises now. I know all kinds of farm animals, but I sometimes mix up "neigh" and "baa." Our neighbour has a car with a lion on it but I think it looks like a dog. I always tell my mama "woof woof!" when I see it. She says it's a lion so then I say "rawr!"
I sat on the potty and had to pee so bad it just shot over the top onto the floor! Luckily I know what to do; I got a cloth and wiped it up. I put the cloth back but then my mama said to put it in the basket, so I did. Sometimes I need my mama to help me aim so that doesn't happen, but I had to pee so bad I couldn't wait to aim.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Twenty four months three weeks

My best words this week are "car," "bus," and "up." When I see a car or bus driving, I tell my mama. And when I want to be picked up, I hold out my arms and say "up!"
When I wake up I don't always like to get up right away. Sometimes I like to lay in bed singing and talking. If my mama tries to get me up I tell her "no" and roll away.
I have sunglasses and I wear them for a little bit when I'm in my stroller. My mama and I go to the library, children's centre, and post office with my stroller but I usually walk other places. I like both walking and riding.
I know how to dig dirt with my digger and dump truck. I have my own special place for digging next to the patio. It's so much fun! I have to wash my hands and face when I'm done; that's not so much fun.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Twenty four months two weeks

My best words this week are "bumble bee" and "puddle." I say "bubble bee" and "pubble."
I love to find ladybirds. I call them "babybugs." When I find one, I kneel down so I can look at it but not touch it--just watch it.

I go on a walk in the morning with my mama and dog. I like to look for frogs, fish, bugs, and ducks. I also find leaves, trees, flowers, puddles, and dog poo. Once I saw our dog peeing and I went up to her and shouted "wee-wee!"
I ran over the daffodils with my pushcart; then my mama told me it made them ouchy so I stopped running them over and kissed them better instead.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Twenty four months one week
Hello world!
I had a birthday and now I'm 2. I don't feel any different, I think. My nana and grandad came to see me. They sang "Happy Birthday Dear Franklin" and there were some candles to blow. I ate some cupcake. Then I had a sleep and when I woke up I got to open presents. It's so fun to rip the paper! My mama and dad got me a bell for my push cart. I ring it and then push off.
My best words this week are "please" "wee-wee" and "raisin." I got to see the recycling truck come down our street. My mama took me to the front of our house and held me up so I could watch the men get the bins and tip them into the truck. It was so cool! I said "beep beep" when it backed down our street then I said "bang!" when the recycling went into it. When it drove away I said "vrrmmm" and when it was gone I said "bye bye."
Now it's not so cold outside I want to play in the back every day; I can even open the door if it's not locked. I have to put my jacket on first, though. My dad let me have a paint roller with a long handle. I mow the lawn with it. I'm not supposed to step on the flowers; my mama says "off!" When I step on them and she isn't watching I say "off!"

My best words this week are "please" "wee-wee" and "raisin." I got to see the recycling truck come down our street. My mama took me to the front of our house and held me up so I could watch the men get the bins and tip them into the truck. It was so cool! I said "beep beep" when it backed down our street then I said "bang!" when the recycling went into it. When it drove away I said "vrrmmm" and when it was gone I said "bye bye."

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Twenty three months five weeks

My best words this week are "house," "baby," and "potato." I see babies in buggies and I say "baby!" They're little and cute; I like them.
I do things my way; I don't want help unless I ask for it! My dad tries to help me sometimes and I tell him "no!" My mama already learned that; she gives me things I can do myself, like socks and shoes, or spoons and forks.
My best cupboard to play in has the blender and juicer and things. I pull out all the pieces and bang them around. I leave the doors open and the pieces on the floor. My mama says I have to put them away but it's a lot more fun to get them out. I need her to help me put them back.
I like to ride in the shopping cart at the store. There's lots to see there and my mama and dad talk about all the stuff there.
I don't like strange toilets. I just like my own potty. I don't want to pee in a strange toilet; I almost fell in one once, and now I don't like them.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Twenty three months four weeks

My best words this week are "water" and "juice" and "more." When I finish my juice in the morning I ask for more, but my mama always gives me water instead. Good thing I like water too.
After our walk I call the dog back so she can go on her leash. I clap my hands, pat my leg, and shout "DOGDOGDOG!" and then she comes. My mama does it too. After the dog is on the leash, I stroke her head gently.
When I play with the dog I chase her around. Sometimes I bump into her on purpose; I'm not supposed to kick or step on her tail though, and I'm not allowed to touch her dog food. But that's ok because I got the cereal out and fed it to her piece by piece.
I found a ladybug all by myself. It was sleeping on a leaf, then it woke up and flew away. I kept checking the leaf to see if it came back yet.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Twenty three months three weeks
Hello world!
My best new words are "ball" and "apple." I also like to say "banana" and "fish." I have a book with all those things in it.
I know how to jump on the bed. I jump after my bath. It's so funny; I laugh and laugh.
I love to play outside! I got to play outside lots this week with just my jacket on. I chase the dog, throw things, sit in my car, run around, climb on things, follow my mama everywhere; it's SO much fun! I helped my mama plant seeds. First we put the seeds in the dirt, and then we poked them down with fingers. Then we watered them. I liked the poking part the best. I brush my hands off afterwards.

I try to hold it when I wake up in bed and need to pee. It's hard though, especially if no one hears me right away. But I don't like wet jammies, so I try my best. My dad says I can have a real bed soon, if I promise not to go downstairs in the middle of the night; that way I can get out of bed and wake someone up to help me.
I don't go downstairs by myself. I always hold someone's hand.
My best new words are "ball" and "apple." I also like to say "banana" and "fish." I have a book with all those things in it.
I know how to jump on the bed. I jump after my bath. It's so funny; I laugh and laugh.
I love to play outside! I got to play outside lots this week with just my jacket on. I chase the dog, throw things, sit in my car, run around, climb on things, follow my mama everywhere; it's SO much fun! I helped my mama plant seeds. First we put the seeds in the dirt, and then we poked them down with fingers. Then we watered them. I liked the poking part the best. I brush my hands off afterwards.

I try to hold it when I wake up in bed and need to pee. It's hard though, especially if no one hears me right away. But I don't like wet jammies, so I try my best. My dad says I can have a real bed soon, if I promise not to go downstairs in the middle of the night; that way I can get out of bed and wake someone up to help me.
I don't go downstairs by myself. I always hold someone's hand.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Twenty three months two weeks

I still have snot but my eyes are better. My mama gives me a hankie and I wipe my own nose. Sometimes I ask her for the hankie.
In the bathroom, if you open the bottom drawer then open the top drawer, you can step on the bottom and reach into the top. I get out all the toothbrushes and give them to who they belong to. I love to brush teeth. I get out all the toothpaste too. I even take off the lids myself.
My best toy to play with is legos. I love building stuff. My dad builds with me. I stack up all the green blocks together, and all the orange blocks together. It's so cool.
I woke up twice this week in the middle of the night because of poo. I woke up and had to sit on the potty and poo. No way I was going to poo in my jammies!
I know how to use an inhaler. Shake it up, take off the lid, then blow on it.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Twenty three months one week

I still cough and have snot. My eyes itch. It's yucky. My dad stayed at home instead of work because of his cough. And then my mama stayed in bed instead of getting up to play with me because of her cough.
It snowed at our house. It's fun to make footprints on. I got to wear my boots and tramp all over my snow. I don't eat it, though.
My mama throws out crumbs from our bread board onto the patio for birds. She throws out old bread crusts I don't eat too. I love watching birds. I say, "bird yum yum." That means the bird eats. If the birds don't come down fast enough, our dog eats the crusts. Then I say, "dog yum yum."
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Twenty two months four weeks

I feel yucky. I have snot and I can't sleep very much. Last night I woke up twice so my mama and dad let me sleep in their bed. I liked that a lot. I got to wriggle and poke and kick. When my dad got up for work I told him bye-bye, then I went back to sleep.
I help my mama garden. She cuts off sticks and I carry them to the pile. Also I pick up rubbish to put in the bin. And I show her where dog poo is so she can throw it away. I say "yuck."
I remember to tidy up my things. When I get out a new book, I put the old book away. Mostly my mama doesn't even have to remind me. At night before bath, it's best to tidy up all the toys. Both my mama and dad help too.
When I get dressed in the morning, my mama asks me where my shoes are. I look for them. When I find them, I say "Here is!" and then run to my mama so we can put them on.
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